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latchet this whole ^ Jiool , with their masfer aj : their heacj , is r > pt worthy to unloose /
I have now troubled you for the last time on tjiis subject , unless my opponent can furnish his positions with a far more respectable support . It was my intention to announce to your readers a design , in which
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U CERTAIN METERS IN ENGLISH , WlUTTElS BY MASTER THOMAS MORE IN HYS YOUTH FOR THE BOKE OF FOUTUN , ^ AND PRINTED IN THE BEGYNNYNG OP THAT BOKJS * " Thomas More to them that trust in Fortune . Serve ber , day and night , as reverendly , Upon thy knees , as any servant may , And , in conclusion , that tbou shalt win thereby o . Shall not be worth thy service , I daresay , And look yet , what she giveth thee to-day fc : With labour won , she shall , haply , to-morrow , Pluck it , again , out of thine hand with sorrow *
Wherefore , if thou in surety list to stand , Take poverty ' s part , and let proud Fortune go , Receive nothing that cometh from her hand : Love manner , and virtue , they be only tko Whith double fortune may not take theeyro . Then may ' st thou boldly defie her turning chance : She can thee neither hinder , nor advance .
But , and thou wilt needs meddle with her treasure , Trust not therein , and spend it liberally : Bear thee not proud , nor take not out of measure . Build not thine house on heigth , up in the sky : None falleth far , hut he that climbeth Jvigh . Remember Nature sent thee hither , bare , The gifts of Fortune , count them borrowed ware *
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I have rafMfe $ omeiprogress , of gwMg * i-f supported by the public , A Version of Griesback * s Grttk
Testament , taking t&e authorised translation ff > r its basis * Though this design has been long in my thoughts , a particular statement of it must be reserved to another opportunity . C . LLOVD .
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f | P <> ¥ m ^
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Thomas More to them that seke Fortune * Fortune is stately , solemn , proud and high , And riches giveth , tp have service therefore :
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1814, page 44, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2436/page/44/