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Rev . S * Palmer . 1813 > November 9 » , At Hackney , wh ^ re he had been fi fty yea rs the pastor of the congregation of Protestant Dissenters of the Independent Denomination , the Rev . Sa-MUfeJL Palmer , 72 years of ag-e , after a few , days illness . He had preached the Sundav previous to his death , with
more than usual animation and interest ; that being the anniversary of his pastoral connection ^ which ha
sfoid by a Jajge concourse of people , ttrirbngst whom vas a long train of the fi £ latiye $ " and former pupils of the de . Ceased * The corpse was carried round St . Thorrjas ' s Square , for the convenience of the procession , into the meet ing-house ^ where a hym n was sung and
^ Funeral Oration , sfutted to the occasion , Was deE ^ ered by the Rev . H F . Btirder , assistant rr inister , and now f ^ i&di « of * the ^ congregation . The body was then removed to the grave , and a prayer by Mn Border closed the solemn service . By desire of the deceased , his
Funeral Sermon was preached on the following Sunday morning , by his friend the Rev . T . N . Toller , of Kettering . The Sermon , together with the Funeral Oration , is now published , and from this publication -we shall extract for our next Number , a brief Memoir of Mr . Palmer .
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Mary Ever she a . 1813 . Nov . 30 , aged 27 , Martc Evershed , eldest daughter of Mr W- Evershed , of Tedfold Hous ^ Billingshurst , Sussex . On Tuesday , Dec . 7 th , her remains were interred at the
General Baptist Meeting-house of that place . The high degree of respect in which her memory was held , drew together a very crowded audience , who seemed to be deeply impressed with an excellent and appropriate discourse , de-VOt . IX . K
Untitled Article
livered on the occasion by the Rev . Jfosv Brent , of Godalming . His te : > t wass > Cor . iv 7 » ik Bat we have ihis treasure in eaitben vessels , * ' Sec . Atter expatiating wi ^ h much energy on the excellency of the gospel and the frailly of man , he introduced a brief but * p 3 * thetic description of « he cfr ^ ractc r * of
the deceased . But though his language shewed ^ hat he was tflUv acquainted with , and highly esteemed th * v rtntis which he pourtrayed , hrs picture partook of pone of the false colour-oe ; of the eulogist . One who had Been intimately connected wit ?« her for the last ten years of her life , declared that it did not contain a syllable whieh was not
stri- tly true . Mr . B , remarked that the decease ^ ll possessed in a high degree the treasure he had been describing , arrd was rhere * for ^ herself a rich treasure to her family and friends To be thus despoiled by the han «! of death could noc fail to exof
cite in th ^ r bosoms ngs keen regret ; but they sorrowed Hot as those wfeo have no hope . Those virtues which rendered her beloved on earth fitted her for heaven . Such was t&e uniform propriety of hei- conduct . that she never excited in the niincts of her
parents one anxious thought for her moral welfare ; such the excellence of her temper , that it was proof against the irritability consequent on long continued , wasting disease The numerous privations imposed on her by the absence of health she never lamented .
She envied none of h r gayer assocates their pleasures ; -bv . t sustained her own Bufferings with serenity and cheerfulness . She never annoyed he r attendants by peevishness ; bu- amply rewarded every kind office by her gentle and amiable manners . It may be said of affliction , as it has been of remorse—Its effect
—* ' Is as the he-irt in which it grows , If that be gentle , it drops balmy dews . " This was eminently the case with hers . Suffering raised an amiable disposition into heavenly mindedness , and rendered a benevolent heart anxious to
* ' wipe every te ^ r from every eye . Nor did these sentiments evaporate in mejc ardent desires - * bc never suffered
Obittjary ,
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1814, page 65, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2436/page/65/