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in conjunction with her affectionate disposition , which qualified her in an emirientdfcgree 1 % administering consolation ahd advice in such seasons . An instance or two of this fearless and magnanimous spirit occurred only a sbort time before her death .
On the 29 th day of October last , while her husband was from home , a very alarming fire broke out in the manufactory , in consequence of the bursting of a bottle , containing severaI gallons of stropg nitrous acid ; which « et die to the basket in which it was
contained , and from thence communicated to many others , producing , in conjunction with the blood-red columns of nitrous gas that were at the same time rising iu the atmosphere , a conflagration truly ten ! fie . During the whole of the time , the subject of this memoir , notwithstanding the
delicate state of her health , maintained the utmost coolness—would not allow of any neighbour being called in to her assistance—gave the proper directions for keeping ihe premises clear of the populace—made every necessary arrangement with the firemen , and superintended the whole to a happy termination .
Eleven days after this , on the 9 th of November , while at supper with her daughter , a servant girl entered the room in the utmost consternation , announcing that the premises were
again on tire , and that all the men had left the manufactory . This excmplary woman rose immediately from the table , and in order , as it is supposed , to give greater solemnity to what she was going to say , she shut
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We have again and again apprized our readers , and we think it right to repeat , in this opening Number of the Ninth Volume , that we solicit no communications but such as we are at liberty to reject without assigning a reason . We beg leave also to suggest once more to oar correspondents , that their papers find a ready reception in proportion to their brevity *
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the door , asd then taking the servant by the hand , thus \ - addressed her t «*; Do nqt be | b ^ r | p d ^ 4 f j ^ g ^ ty jp u . will be able to £ i *^ e no assistance "• and remember , that if we should be burnt out , it will be right—for God permits
nothing to happen but what is right , Keep this in your mind , end let us go and see what can be clone ; ., " This fire , however , proved to be at an adjoining manufactory , part of which was eu * tirely destroyed
At this time , and up to the time of her death , she considered herself better than usual—the physician who regnlarly attended her pronottneed her , only a few days before her death , to *
be better—and her daughter wha had walked from school on the Saturday preceding , to spend the Sunday with her , left her on the Monday morning , with the impression , that she was as welfc as she had ever seen her . On the
whole of the last day , she was remarkably clicarful , and was employed throughout the day in her usual occupations . While silling alone at tea in the afternoon , she sent for the clerk to give him some directions about the business , aud he had left the roong only about three minutes when hex bell rang * A servant entered the room
immediately—she held out her hand to her and attempted to speak , but could not—she pressed the girl's hand , looked at her kindly , and died immediately , She was interred by the Rew Robert Aspland , iji the burial ground belonging to the Gravei-Pit Society at Hackney—and has left a husband , widowed of all her virtues , and a beloved daughter , to deplore her loss .
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72 Correspondence .
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Mr . Jennings ' s letter is put into the hands of Mr . Wright , to whom more than to our readers it belongs .
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Advertisements are to be sent to the Printer or Publishers , and to be paid for at the time of delivery . Communications are to be addressed [ Post-paid ] to the Publishers only . ¦¦
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We are obliged to Mr . Hampson , of Dukinfield , for his sensible paper ; but we had determined before we received it not to bring the controversy between A . 1 « . B . and Mr , Sturch , into the present Volume . Indeed , we wish not to continue in the present Volume any of the controverted questions <) f the last : though this desire must give way to a sense of justice , as in the case of Dr . Lloyd and Mr . Jones , and also to the importance of some particular points , as that of Future Punishment , which having been introduced by J , S . in the last Volume , and by Dr . Estlin in this , will be continued by Mr , Wright and others in the next aud following Numbers *
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1814, page 72, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2436/page/72/