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no preferment without subscript iitmy that I ri ^ ltti et ca » , nor will have any . ** Far Ibis resolution I have but
< me reasoh against a thousand temptations to the contrary , but fitifr jy pkyoty against which if all l&e little reasons in the world were put in the ballnnce , they would be lighter than vanity . In brief , this it is : as long as I keep that t&otlmt and humble assurance of
God ' s love amd favour which I now enjoy , and wherein I hope I shall be daily more and more Confirmed ; so long , in despite of all the world , I may and shall
and will be happy . But if I once lose this ; th 6 ugh all the world should ! etmspire to make me happy , I shall and must be extremely talser&ble . Now this inestimable
jewe 1 > if I subscribe ( without such & d ^ Mratiori as will make the stibscrtpmm no subscription , ) I shall wittingly and willingly and deliberately tlrrow away . For though f atri verj ^ " well perswadcd ofy&u aticf ttty other friends , who
w > so with a full persuasion that y ^ ti nifty ' 'do it lawfully ; yet the fefi ^ e staridf so with me , and I can $ ee 116 remedy but for ever it will db so , that if I subscribe , I subsfcriibe Sfrv own damnation . For do
thoti ^ h I -veri ly believe the ' 0 htirc ! i of England a true mem . ht&t bf the Church ; that she SVfints tfdtliing necessary to salvation , iancJ hd \ ds nothing repugnant to it ; alnd had thought that to
ihink so , ha ? d sufficiently qualified me for a subscription : yet novy 1 pl&itify see , if I will Dot juggle with my conscience , and play ivfth God Almi ghty , I must for-^> ekk ' ; : i ; " - "
^ * Po t 9 to say nothing of crth ^ r things ^ which I li aVe so wdl coti -
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sidered as not to be in state to sign them , and yet not so well as to declare my self against them ; two points there are , wberein I am fully resolved , and therefore care not who kno \^ s my -mind * One isj that to say the fourth commandment is a law of God
appertaining to Christians , is false and unlawful ] : theotheiyt&at the * damning sentences in St . Athanasius ^ s Creed ( as we are made to subscribe it ) are rnost false , and also in a high degree presumptuous and schismaticall . And therefore I can neither subscribe that these things are agreeable to
the word of God , seeing I belfevij they are certainly fepugfrinrt to it : nor that tbfe whole Common Prayer is lawful to be uSed , seeing I believe these parts of it certainly unlawfuJl ; nor promise that Imy self will use it , seeing I never intend either to read tfte ^ e things which I have itoW ^ xtepted against , or to say Amen to-them . 4
' I shall not need to irit ¥ eat you , not to b 3 offeivtfed with ttie * e for this my most honest , ahA ( as 1 verily believe ) mo ^ t wise- resolution : hopeing rattier , you ' will do your endeavaur , that I fti&y neither be honest at so dear a rate , as the losse of preferment , nbr buy preftrmeat at so mnchdearer
a rate 3 the losse of honesty / 4 C I think rny selfc happy that it ploased God wheri I was Vesolved to venture upon a subscription without full assumnc * 6 f the lawfuifies ^ e of it , t 6 cast in myxysty two unexpected impedi-Alfettu to divert me from
accomplishing my resolution * . Fthr I profess unto you , siiice I entertained it , I haive nt ? ver e ^ ijo ^ yed quret day nor night , till now that 1 huve rid my self df it again ; and
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vol . ix . c
Untitled Article
Brief Memoir of Mr . Chilltngvoorth . &
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1814, page 9, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2436/page/9/