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quiry feel disposed to do it , any ad * vice or assistance I can give in the execution of the object will be at his ¦ ervice .
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Shall I request from the able reviewer of Townsend ' s Armageddon , to furnish us with a few more horrors , particularly « uch as have their service in the popular ideas of atonement . I am persuaded that the exposure of such representations is of great service : they shew us how careful we should be to keep close to the doctrines of revelation ; and the contemplation of them mqst make us thankful that we have not so learned Christ .
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In this connexion , allow me to beg Mr . Frend ( if his views respecting the death of Christ really differ , in essence , from those commonly entertained by Unitarians , ) to state them , and the grounds of them . Why , if he possess important truth , and believe us to be in error , does he withhold the communication of it from the readers of the Repository ?
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In reference to Dr . Lloyd ' s proposal for a pamphlet on the Greek article , I wish to observe , that if he have any decisive facts and principles , in , addition to . those which Winstanley , * Gregory Blunt and Middleton himself , have advanced , ( which ,
however , to my mind are satisfactory , ) I should conceive that a subscription might easily be raised to defray the expense , and should readily take a share in it . Dr . . Lloyd does not refer at all
to what has been done by Blunt and Winstanley ; and as their tracts are not now easily accessible , he will perhaps excuse my referring him to the Appendix , No . III . in the second edition of Unitarianism the Doctrine of the
Gospel . If on perusing thi 3 outline of the proof which has already been given , that Mr , Sharp ' s renderings of the controverted passage are not required by the Ureek idiom , Dr . Lm
* Winstanley * s excellent little pamphlet bas lately been attacked by Bishop Burgess , who seems determined that he will , pedikw et unguibusy exterminate Unitarianism , if not Unitarians themselves . I have not had an opportunity yet of seeing ' the Bishop's tract 5 but I am not apprehensive as to the regult .
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can give ground for his present confidence that be can offer a fresh demonstration against them , let him announce his intention of preparing it
for publication , as soon as a subscription is raised to defray the expense of printing it : and I cannot doubt that he will meet with sufficient , encouragement to proceed .
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I will avail myself of this opportunity to say that I have a youth , with me preparing for York , where hi will be ready to go next session , and I suppose may gain admittance without any great difficulty . He is , however , so circumstanced , that he cannot
defray those expenses which are not included in the foundation . ; I shall , therefore , 4 e € l myself particularly obliged to any of your readers , ^» tio can obtain for him , ( or shew mel ^ to obtain ) such assistance from fums ,
exhibitions , &c . as will enable mm to go on in the object to which be desires to devote himself . ' Ifany ; Oi | £ having this power , will favour ^ m / t with a line on the subject , I think & can give him satisfactory proof tfrat the assistance would be well directed . I am , Sir . Yours very truly , , L . CARPENTER .
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$ 4 Mr . Josiah Towns end on the Daventry Academy .
Untitled Article
Mansfield * Jan , 13 , 1816 , Sir , HAVING been favoured , by the Rev . Joseph Hunter of Bath , with a list of Dr . Doddridge ' s pupils ( accompanied by mtmy valuable remarks ) , and by the Rev . Win .
TuJHdeph Procter , ofPrescot , with a list of those who were educated by Mr , Horsey , after the resignation of Mr . Belshaia -y I have been employed in collecting information from every quarter accessible to me , that I might be enabled to execute my purpose of
drawing up . as complete an account as possible of the seminaries established at Northampton and Daventry . But , my hope of receiving the necessary intelligence concerning the Acar demy at Daventry having been « o
long disappointed , I find myself compelled ( on the supposition that , the work is not undertaken by some other hand , ) again to request the grant of that information without which I cannot proceed . I s ^ all be happy to receive it , not only from the geotlc-
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1816, page 34, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2448/page/34/