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men who have already been particularly mentioned , ( M . Rep , x . 391 ») but from any other who may be able and willing ; to afford it .
Communications ( post paid ) , addressed to me at Mansfield , Nottinghamshire ( which is now the place of my fixed residence ) are once more earnestly solicited , and will be thankfully received , by , Sir , Yours sincerely , JOSIAH TOWKSEND .
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Gleanings . - 35
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When the French Resident to the Khan of the Tahtars was travelling through Tartary , on his route to Constantinople , on arriving towards dusk , at a village in Bessarabia , under the
conduct of sin officer , appointed by the Khan , they found every inhabitant standing at his door ; and on inquiring the cause of this of a venerable old man / whose interesting appearance had determined the travellers
to make choice of him as their host ) , he answered— " Our eagerness to come to our doors is only to prove that our houses are inhabited ; their uniformity preserves an equality , and
my good star alone has procured me the happiness of having you for my guest . We consider the exercise of hospitality as a privilege . ' *
Frenchman . * ' Pray tell me , would you treat the first with the same humanity ? " . Old Man . " The only distinction we make , is to go and meet the wretched , whom misery always renders timid ; in this case the pleasure of assisting him is the right of the person who first approaches . "
Frenchman . " The law of Mohammed cannot be followed with greater exactitude . " Old Man . 4 t Nor do we believe that , in exercising ouv hospitality , we obey this divine law . We are men before we are Mahometans ; humanity
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No . CXLJ . Popish Renderings . . The Papists , in their versions of the scriptures into the modern tongues , have contrived by various falsifications , to make them speak the
language of their Missals and Breviaries , in order to sanctify their novel rites by the authority of the apostles , and make the people believe that they had been practised from the times even of the gospel . Thus to countenance the practice of beatifying or making saints
in the Church , they have rendered a passage of St . James , v . 11 , not as ' it ought to be , Behold how we account those blessed , but Behold how we bea tify those who have suffered witK constancy : and in favour also of their processions , where it is said , Heb . xi SO , that the walls of Jericho fell down ,
after they compassed it about seven-days , their versions render it , after a procession of seven days around it . And to give the better colour to their trade of pilgrimages , St . Paul , according to their versions , requires it , as the qualification of a good widow , that she have lodged pilgrims . 1 Tim . v .
10 . And St . John praises Gains , for having dealt faithfully with pilgrims iii John 5 . See Serces * Popery an Enemy to Scripture , quoted in Middletons Letter from Home , Works , v . 49- Note f .
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No . CXLIJ . Ming by the Grace of God * In the Vreach National Assembly , in 1789 * " Petion de Villeneuve proposed giving to the King the title of " King
of the French by the Consent of the Nation , " and suppressing the form of " by the Grace of God . "— " It is calumniating God , " cried he ; " was Charles the lXth , too , King by the Grace of God ? ' BiograpJne Modeme , iii . 9 $ .
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has dictated our customs , and they are more ancient than the law . * De Tott ' s Memoires . Vol . I . Pt . i . p . 212 .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1816, page 35, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2448/page/35/