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writing's which were dictated by his pious and enlightened mind . Though his revered head now lies low in the dust , we may still have him for our instructor in useful knowledge , and what is of most importance , in the way of Christian truth and holiness which leads to immortal bliss . Neither are we to entertain the . gloomy idea of an eternal separation . If the junction of virtuous friends hereafter be not a
pleasing delusion , but sanctioued by reason , and confirmed by the Christian revelation , ( as I think it is , ) we may hope if we are diligent and faithful in our master ' s service , to renew our delightful intercourse with this eminent servant of God , at the illustrious period ' when Christ , who is our life , shall appear , and all his true followers shall appear with him in glory . '' "
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Obituary . —Mrs . Mary Gibbs . AS
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hands of her Creator , without a struggle or a groan ! Happy are those who die in the Lord ; they rest from their labours—and their works follow theffcu a So fades a summer cloud away ; So sinks the gale when storms are o" * er ; So . gently shuts the eye of day ; So dies a wave along the shore , " How mysterious to us are the dispensations of Providence : let us learn submission to its will ! When our
kindred and friends are separated from us by the awful hand of death , it surely ought to stimulate us to closely examine our own hearts , and thoroughly prepare them for that solemn period to which we are all rapidly hastening j for " the Son of man cometh at an
hour when we think not—and happy will be those whom , when he cometh , he shall find watching . The venerated person who has just left us , never affected . any singularity on the score of religion ; nor was she particularly attached to any system . She believed
that holiness of heart and life are , in the estimation of the Almighty , of far superior importance to those disputed points of doctrine which have severed the Christian world into so many sects and parties . It was her opinion that " whatsoever a man soweth , that he will also reap ; that he who soweth to his
flesh , from the flesh will reap destruction 5 but he who soweth to the spirit , from the spirit will reap everlasting life : " and that " the hour cometh , in . which all that are in their graves shall come forth $ they that have done good , to the resurrection of life ; and they that have done evil , to the resurrection of condemnation . ' . ' From
her youth , she regularly attended divine worship in the chapel belonging to the Weslean Methodists ; though , I believe , she never enrolled herself as a member of that community . Her
attachment to this people was doubtlessly much strengthened iu consequence of her father , and some of her other relations , having been among the first of the inhabitants of St . Ivea
who joined the cause oft Mr . Wesley ; and who always continued his warmest admirers and most steady friends . In times of persecution , that gentleman and his colleagues uniformly found an
asylum among her relatives : a minister , at one time , lay concealed for several weeks ip her father ' s house , when closely sought after by an infamous press-gang f The early Metho-
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•< • On Sunday the 24 th of December , 1815 , died at St . Ives , Cornwall , in the 65 th year of her age , Mrs , Mary Gibbs , wife of Mr . Silvanus Gibbs of that town , to whom she was united nearly forty years , and by him had five children , two only of whom survive to lament her loss .
Her illness was of short duration : and though her health had been rather indifferent for the last eleven or twelve years , she encountered a journey , forwards and backwards , of 148 miles , about four months since , with little difficulty , in order to visit ( and , as the event has proved , take her final adieu of , ) the writer of this article . The
Monday evening preceding her dissolution , she was seized with a violent pain in her stomach , and shortly afterwards brought up a quantity of blood . Five years before she was attacked in a similar manner ; and has been frequently subject to pain in the stomach , though she had experienced nothing of the kind in the course of the last
two months . Tuesday and Wednesday she became worse , and , at different times , emitted six or seven quarts of blood ; but towards the close of Wednesday the medicine prescribed , for the time , prevented any farther evacuation ; and , notwithstanding her feeble and low state , she seemed to be
getting better . Most unfortunately , however , a fire happened in the town that night , and the alarm excited by it so overpowered her spirits , that , from this moment , she grew progressively worse , but suffering little pain ; and about 7 o ' clock on the ensuing Sunday morning , she yielded up her life , with perfect resignation , iota the
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1816, page 43, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2448/page/43/