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peaiss to 4 Ws 4 » eeting highly , necessary ,, thu * some ,, effectual m&asu ^ es should - b < s t # jkeiv for .. relieving , our brethren in , prance from the Josses which they have experienced in the destruction pf jthejr churches , and the spoliation of their property . 6 . That a subscription be entered into for this purpose , and that the following gentlemen be appointed a Committee for the management of this benevolent business , in such way as they shajl see most expedient , viz : —
The Chairman , Archibald Reed , Esq ., James JLosh , Esq ., William Batson , Esq ., Thos . Henderson , Esq ., £ W . Parker , Esq ., Stephen De JMole , , Esq ., James Potts , Esq ., Mr . Hugh , spencer , , Mr . Joseph Clark ,
Mr . John Fen wick , Mr . Benj . Brunton , Mr . W , EL Angas , Rev , John Parkin , Rev . William Turner , Rev . David M'Jndpe , Rev . James Prin gle , Rev . R . Pengiily , Rev . GeorgeJVIaun . r That William Batson , Esq , be requested to act as Treasurer ; and the
Hey ., William Turner , as Secretary ; and that the several banks be requested to receive subscriptions . „ ¦ 7 . That copies of these Resolutions , j&gned by the Qha \ rman , be trans *
{ pitted to the Right Hon . the Earl of Liverpool , the ,, X < ord Lieutenant of Jbe county , t l ^/ e ^ Hon . an ^ dl Right Rev . p # ie bishop ofj Duri ^ m , and the Meml ^ s / for ^ Nortbi , iini ? erla ^ id and Newcastle-upon-Tyne .
,, Hbhtry , ChamW PToih , Mayor , t Mff ; t , Chaii-man * v .. B ^ was mov ^ by Mr . AHerman . { feed * apd , secp , nfled . by Mr . Losh , ^ t . the . thanks of this meeting be 4 ? iyen to Mr . Mayor , for his readiness * tou cajj ^ g . tfoe , Meeting , and for his * ble qonfj uctj m the C hai r .
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Intelligence . —Persecution of the Frq % ch Protestant ^ 55 h
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% Tli ^ t wc > have h ^ ard w ^ ^ era CQi ^ cern of ; some l ate mov ^ menu , on the part of the Court and Churciifc ^ riome , indicating a design to ^ ujbpr , ess , wjierever their poWer niW y Extend , the right of private jud ^ nieiit , and the religious liberties of mankind , particularly the expulsion of the Protestants from the Papal dominions aiid adjacent territories of Italy , the revival of the abhorred Inquisition , ai £ < i the restoration of the Order of the
Jesuits which had been abolished by tHe common consent of all Europe . 3 . That our sorrow and surprise have been heightened by the intelligence of the sufferings of our
Protestant brethren in the South of France * , intelligence , the truth of which' bias been admitted by the highest authorities , both in France arid in this country , and confirmed by the m o ^ jt authentic private information . "
4 . That while we reflect on &ll circumstances , we cannot but be convinced , notwithstanding the attempts which have been made to disguise or deny the facts , that these sufferings have arisen , in a great degree at least , from religious prejudices , and partake of the nature of persecution for
conscience sake . 5 . That the inhabitants of thjs country will * we have reason to believe , be greatly disappointed ajid afflicted , if the result of that stru&He
in which the nation has been so' ibife engaged , and in which so much treasure and blood have been expended , shall have been to place the Protestants in France , with whom we are
united by the ties of a commbh profession , and to whom we owe so much in a religious view ; in a worse situation as to liberty of conscience than they held under the preceding ' government .
6 . That , recollecting ^ he , many effectual interferences of the government of thiscountry oiji behalf of persecuted Protestants on tjfie Continent of Europe in former times , and ^ contemplating the peculiar relative >*} ttua tipn of Great Britain anil Fr * ance * £ t and
present , we conceive ^ urselyes' autfcori ^ e ^ i / call e d , upoil , to'V eiMttUirate ^ U 3 , publicly afeains ^ the vi ^ sttion '< l > f what we deem the mo $ t sacjfea W fill W mf- ^\ M ^ f , ^^ T to ^ m w ^ m- ^ -Hss dictfttps of hiji- qwp critt ^ ciencfr—iid we f ^ l eptitled ^ o ex ^ t ' tr ^' tW ^
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• . * -, f ,. » c , nj ^ Ww , Ja % . 3 , 1816 . At a PubJic Meeting of , tjie Inhabitants of , Qla ^ gow , galled by Adv ^ v-, ti ^^ meot to express disapprobation , o / f (( tiUe Persecution , pf the Protestants in ^^ cefr f .. » ,.. Wji i ^ j ^ m ^^ wr , JE ^ a . one ofithe Main
' < Jg ^ al ^ of Q ^^ gow ^ thQ Chair ; -j fi t ft t ^ Jfcijdyed MTW ^ imoiwl y * , ( ' mol . ^ haVsas rvQtestaj ^^ we canjipt tA ^ M ^ I *^ br ^ erl y ^ ympatwy with *** Ptit&Mfak % m * PfPft > W mtejpst ^^^ Bfe a ^^^ i ^ tcmmw $ m * k pn account of wb ^ cj ^ , the y have been *» 4 p Mh ^ fce ^^ sul ^ n ,, h . „ >¦
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1816, page 55, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2448/page/55/