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Terntwent of France , wbich owes so much to this country , and is upheld at present in part by the British arms , will speedily adopt the most energetic and efficient measures to repress this
• * - ^ _ — - ¦ m . spirit of outrage , and to secure to its Protestant subjects that futi freedom of worship , and of the public and peaceable profession of religion , in «? very respect , which is guaranteed
to them by the Constitutional Charter . 7 . That we regard with the liveliest satisfaction the assurances early and promptly given by his Majesty ' s government to the first application made to them , on behalf of our
Protestant brethren in that country—** That they feel the deepest regret at the dreadful scenes lately witnessed in France , and that they are using , and will continue to use their best efforts in their communications with
the French government to secure to all classes of French subjects , whether Protestant or Catholic , the full enjoyment of the advantages which the Constitutional Charter provided for them / ' and contained also iti a letter
from Lord Liverpool , in reply to another interposition in their favour from a most respectable quarter , * ' That the Prince Regent ' s government are using- their best efforts to
arrest the progress of the evils , which no persons can deplore more deeply than themselves ; ' *—and we trust that the British ministry will redeem this sacred pledge , and will continue to exert themselves lor the Protestants
of France , with that propriety and energy which become their charac ter , as well as the cause , and which may be so justly expected from the government of one of the first Protestant States in Europe , and one which has been so signally tfftstriifln € tt ~ tal in accomplishing the recent Revolution in that kingdom .
8 . That our warmest thanks are due , and be given to tfec Dis « e » tiag Mtafoters of London , and to « Tbe Protestant Society for the Protection of iteHgieus Liberty , " who so promptly took up this subject * obtained
from the British ministry the ootmmi tiicattom quoted afxwe , and besides have been at sttch pains *« exciting the afttentkm of the public , by their Address and Resolutions , as well ae by the circulation of otjber Important aim authentic decttmentB relating to Hjpft * !*!! 4 ? fitCt .
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9 » That the thanks of tfie meeting be also given to the Corporation of the City of London , ana to such other public bodies and individuals as have manifested their sympathy with the Protestants of France , and their present afflictions .
10 . That , desirous of keeping the interesting object of this meeting in view , till it shall have been brought to a favourable issue , we appoint a Committee to watch over it , to follow out such measures as may appear to be necessary to give effect to these
our Resolutions , and ( if it shall seem to them expedient ) to call us together again at any future period , to express our sentiments regarding : circumstances which may occur in the progress of an interposition , the success of which must be near the heart
of every affecting and zealous Proteatout . 11 . That the Chairman be instructed to transmit a copy of these our Resolutions to his Majesty ' s government . ( Signed ) Wm . Mum , Chairman .
The Chairman having- quitted the chair , and Mr . Mat hew Urie being called to it , the unanimous and warm thanks of Hie Meeting were given to Baillie Muir for his conduct in the Chair ( . Signed ) Mathew Uhik .
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Borough of Plymouth . At a numerous and respectable Meet ing of the inhabitants of this Borough , convened by the Worshipful the Mayor , and held at the Guildhall thereof , this 9 ti * day of January , I £ l 6 , ii * pursuance of a re *
qutftmoa from several respectable inhabitants , to take into consideration the present estate of the Protestants in the South of France , and the best means of alleviating their distresses , The Worshipful the Mayor , in the Chair ,
ReBoh&edy That we are deeply impressed vrith Hie high value of that Religions Liberty , wtifch the subjects of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
IrelaxtdLenjey under ibe auspietatts T * ign oftheHomm of Hanover ; and # eaffe grateful to Almighty God ^ r the ptf * session of so taovtiindble a fpitifcge Resolved , That it ia > our petnamioth founded on the « ry priumlm # f lM
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56 IntelligenH !—Persecution of the Fremfi ProteBUmt * .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1816, page 56, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2448/page/56/