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< jurred , and will frequently , occur agaiiv «« d m tlie mosfcdes ^ otical kingderos the pefearrcnefcs * re mest frequent * Revolutions cannot always be prevented , even where discretion * i ts at the helm : the storm may be tqo
great for the most prudent pilot : but , where the Jaws are good , and are executed with fidelity , the sovereign' has little to fear . Papers and protestations will not support- a throne . Its base must be fixed on more solid
ground ; and the king , who reigns in the hearts of his people , is the most
secure . Among the strange events of these troubled times , may be ranked the seizure , by the French government , of three English officers , on the alleged crime of aiding the escape of Lavafette . One of these gfentlemen is
a highly distinguished character , and what is more remarkable , one against whom Buonaparte is supposed to have entertained the most decided enmity . Sir R . Wilson , without doubt , gave him j « st caase , ibr no one has by ^ pen and sword proved himself a greater foe to his tyranny . It would be
improper in the present state of the case to make any comments on this event . These officers , it is- said , will be brougrrttoatrial , but Sir Robert , with greatjpropTrety , "has refused to answer those interrogatories , which it is the custom , and a base custom it is , to put to chi accused . We shall see in What moaner the Frenchi courts condtfet themselves upon this occasion , for
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Our Subscribers yvi \ D \ receive with this umber ,: tofcute the Eleventh Volume , a Portrait of our late venerable friend and ceri ^ egpondentj'DK . Tcwidtra ^ r A' few Proof Impressions have Ite&o , pulled in Quaita ^ on fciePAper , pric £ v& 9 ., * pltt ? h may be had of the Publishers , as also ttie Proof Prints , in the same size and at the same priee , of Da . Pribstlby and Sbbvetus . It is- particularly 1 « cotonaende 4 to such as iy An to- preserve a complete pet of the ' lfavntKly Repository J&ngravin&s to supply themselves early ; for in a little time ri tte
the ^ iBtrryprf ^ iike early turmbers of the Work , Wih be unobtainable . Owil ^ r to the / EfdWtfr ' s turn voidable absence frbm h 6 me , various articles intended fofc th ^^ r ^ ent Tinnaber , must lie over ; particularly some promised articles of Review and sotne communications of Intelligence . It is intended to make the present Volume a complete Register of the Proceedings ^ behalf of ^ the French Protestants , and our country Correspondents are reqtreated to supply
us with copies of Resolutions , ^ c < r ,, which they may observe to be omitted . . .. We . ha ^ cr ^^^ 4 ^ bscripiioa ^^ om ^ Tr . J « t 4 ^ n « and ^ others fortjie Unitarian Fupdi frott | ^ r ; , ^ cMi /^ &ic fr for t ] be Qreenoqk Chapel j a ^ Mtfrom £ )?* . Carpenter fox Rossendalfr all wtti ^ h witl lie iijore particularl y acknowledged in . the , w ^ tuu ^ mbei : ^ ,. The Ofeituafy pf tbte ^ Rfv . Francis Blacfcburne . of KichmpnidLin Tor ^ lfijire . ( ;^ J lament to sav dkd buSuddaVj the ilst inst , ) did not reactv us till that department of Wf WefrAeriQtt i& pt' ^ d upon th ^ notice of <* utf reade rs tftte p / Opbsed Edition of Dt * PfltHMs ll ^ % 4 ^^^ J ^ t ^ df ri ^ ^ ^ JJHW ^ wfc **^^ W >^ so ujeful ii purpose will be warmly supported by the Unitarian body .
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without doufefc oare wifl be ^| nkeift that they ^ onky hav « it ^ urtrjaik ii * I - Tine affairs of France occupy atrpre sent so large a space in . the coiitempla ^ ion of Europe , that little room is left lor observations on wh $£ is talcing place * b other parts of tbe Cowtinent is
Ptaissia ' s ne ^ v constitu-tiori not yet fi ^ ed . The independence of the two kingdoms of Sweden and Norway under one sovereign fe settled . Spaia goes on its usual course , and its best men are in prfeons and gallies . This does not , kowever . advance its . cause
with the colonies . Cart ha gen a is not taken . The ifidependents . in Mexico are increasing in pow « r , and Buenos Ayres has fitted out a-fleet und ^* tte command 'of an Englishman , w * hich will c ^ ear th < e Pa cific of every ship wearing Spasish colours .
At honae all eyes are directed to five approaohing sessious of parliament . The great business of tlie Continentai peace is to corne uncter early discussion , and the state of the landed interest will make a pronainent feature in Hb debates . The corn bill has not
answered any of the intentions tor Which it was-designed by itsframers . A temporary distress has been occasioned , and in rfche attempt to remedy it great * care must be taken , lest the evil should be increased . This
country ' s prosperity i& owing to its trade , commerce and manuiabtures ; and if the landed interest should injure them , it must participate in their sufferings .
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64 < € ferre 3 pon& * Kte .
C 0 aJlESFON © ENC ] E .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1816, page 64, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2448/page/64/