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ians and Protestants , the trouble of examining the Scriptures and choosing a religion for themselves . BREVIS ' .
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Family Sermons . Sir , IT has long been a subject of regret with me that I cannot find any book of sermons which appears to me to be adapted to the use of families . The works which I have made use of
I have found deficient in some quality or other which 1 think essential , in compositions intended for that purpose . In some , the language is too lofty , and the -style too much ornamented ; others are logical and argumentative , abounding in nice distinctions ; and others contain mere moral
essays , devoid of those all-important motives which'are'only to be derived from the gospel . The work 1 am desirous of possessing is one plain and simple in the style , persuasive rather than argumentative , abounding in scriptural motives and illustrations , and dwelling frequently upon those glorious promises , and those awful thfeatenings , which appear in almost every page of the gospel , and elevate Christianity f&r above every other system . Stich a publication is , I think , a desideratum in all Unitarian families . It would be extremely useful among persons of the middle ranks of life , whose education has been confined , and whose daity employments preclude them from much reading . It would also bemuch " more beneficial to servants , and the younger branches of families , than the books which are
generally made use of . And there is another description of persons , for whose use such a publication is , I think , particularly required . I mean those who have departed from the prevailing creeds of the day , and embraced Unitarianism . Such persons must be , I suppose , wholly at a loss
for books to substitute in the place of those numerous publications , which are circulated with zeal by Christians of ojthet ^ nominations . This may not be the' catsc With persons of liberal education arid- cultivated minds , for whdrh ttiefe is an ample supply in the many elegant * dti& perspicuous works wrhi ^ h tolVe Bten bitten by UnltarafM ^^ t Wrttfe ^ -tidbr' ( 1 mean * tKej unlearned ) ' to ^ V ^ honi , at least equally
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with others , the gospel should be preached ; the food is scanty indeed I mi g ht enlarge upon the advantages to be expected from a publication of sermons such as I have described but , not to occupy any more space in your valuable Work , I will
conclude with a hope that if any of your correspondents can point out such a work , he will do so ; and if that cannot be done , that some one will endeavour to supply the deficiency ; and besides the satisfaction of being extensively useful , I have little doubt that he would reap an ample pecuniary reward for his labour .
I am , &c . J . H . P . S . T not this subject worthy the attention of the Unitarian Tract Society ; and would not the offer of a small reward soon furnish ample materials from which such a publication might speedily be made ?
Untitled Article
396 ^ Mr . Rutts Edition qf Dr . Priestley ' s Wor % s .
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Mr . Rutfs Edition of Dr . Priestley $ IVorks . Sir , AMIDST the general satisfaction which was manifested by the company at the last Anniversary of the Unitarian Fund , there was one
circumstance referred to , at which I felt considerable regret , viz . the fear expressed by Mr . Kutt , that he should be under the necessity ( for Want of encouragement ) of relinquishing his project for publishing by subscription the Theological Works of the late Dr . Priestley .
Anxious to promote ( though in * feeble manner ) so desirable a purpose , I have taken the trouble to transcribe two extracts from the very interesting " Memoirs of the late Rev . Theophilus
Lindsey , M . A . " by Mr . Belsham , which appear to me particularly suitable and deserving of notice at the present moment , and which , with the Few remarks that follow , I shall be obliged
by your inserting . The first is taken from the fourth chapter of that work , in which the author giving an account of the earliest hearers of Mr . Lindsey at the chapel in
Essex-street , mentions " , ] Vfrs . Rayner , a near relation of the Dutches * of Northumberland and of'LJrkd Gwy dir , a liberal patroness of die , cause truth ;* br ^^ ibh' ^ e ' fiihM ^ te- ^ B is but « one ; irktanik WW . »^ That " t 6 this ttdy the Christian world
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 386, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/14/