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A long course of experience and 'discipline ; -., accprdingly ensued , in which the genius occasionally interposed , to maintain his authority , to remove hurtful errors , to impart the
necessary instructions , and to cultivate among the operators in general an increasing skill in their employment , a comprehensive acquaintance with its true nature and design , and a growing estimation of its beneficial effects ; and consequently a just principle of obedience and gratitude to himself , as their beneficiary and
instructor . At length when they had made considerable attainments , but had nevertheless from neglecting his instructions , and following the devices
of their own imaginations , fallen into some capital errors , more especially with regard to the higher movements of the machines , it pleased the genius to select one of the greatest proficients and the most docile to his instructions ,
as his leading instrument , in removing those errors , and more fully unfolding his designs . Through this person he imparted many instructions remarkable for their pers p icuity and comprehensive utility ; and such was the extraordinary manner in which
the powers of the genius were exerted on this occasion , that many of the particular evils resulting from the fragile structure of the machines , and the mismanagement of the operators , suddenly disappeared , like the pestilential
vapour before the breath of heaven : machines which had been injured , Were repaired with astonishing rapidity , and some which had been thrown aside as useless , and were actually dropping to pieces , quickly resumed their wonted functions . Ail these
words and deeds of beneficence but served to usher in the grateful intelli-# ert £ e , that the genius at an appointed time would re-fabricate after an im-# pro ¥ d plan the whole system of the machines ; and that then those operators who dulv kept in view his
debigrwi in constructing them , carefully adhering to the spirit of his instructions / and working them after that admirable pattern which this distinguished operator had exhibited in his
oivn practice , would reap inestimable advantages from ihe use of machines of such superior excellence and ihirability ; but that those who scornfully or heedlessly rejected this gracious
Untitled Article
intelligence , and preferred the gratifi . cation of their own humours to the wise instructions of the genius , would quickly experience the consequences of their obstinacy and ingratitude in their incapacity to operate upon
instruments of such powerful efficacy , to which however they must be trained by a much severer course of discipline than any which they had hitherto experienced . He indeed gave strong
intimations that the designs of the genius being purely beneficent , would be pursued till all the operators became duly trained to their employment , and were well skilled in trie art of working their machines to the
greatest advantage , -when they would all conspire in the production of benefits of immense magnitude . To confirm more fully his assertions , by-an actual specimen , and as the commencement of what he announced , which in his case was to be effected
immediately , on account p £ his superior attainments , he voluntaril y submitted to have his own machine whol ly taken , or rather beaten to pieces , by the mad fury of some neighbouring operators ; after which within the space of three days , it was reconstructs ed by the genius upon that highly improved plan which he had described . From this time it lias been
constantly held forth as the pledge and pattern of that universal . enort of the genius , in re-fabricating the system of the machines , the annunciation of which constituted the great object of this extraordinary errand .
A long interval again passed , in which great numbers of operators were successively trained up in the anticipation of tais event , and in that improved method of operation , which accorded with the instructions and
p attern which had been given . The influence of the genius was still conspicuous , in the first instance , in pr 0 ~ moting the exertions which were now made for the circulation of the intelligence , and \ n aiding the first efforts of the , operators upon the new
plan . But when the intelligence , with every requisite instruction , had been widely spread , and preserved m authentic writings , and jmany operators had been sufficiently introduced to the new method , this extraordinary influence , was withdrawn . The ope-r rators were now . left . to iipH e * " * best use of their lnstructibns ana
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388 3 fec 7 tariism ; an Allegory .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 388, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/16/