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Un itarians" ( see M . Hepos . Vol . VI . n . \ Q&t ) ° * whether he has abandoned it altogether ; also , whether the Racoviin Catechism , which he was sometime ago said to be preparing for the press , nas been published or not , as I do not recollect seeing it advertised . *
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Unitarian Baptists in the City of York . Sir , WE beg leave through the medium of your valuable Miscellany to lay before our Unitarian brethren the case of the Unitarian Baptists in the city of York , confident of their disposition to assist us in the laudable
undertaking of propagating primitive Christianity , and removing those misconceptions which originated in the dark ages of heathen and popish superstition . We have laboured upwards of thirty year ' s , under considerable disadvantage , in this great cause for want of suitable accomodation and
a central situation ; we have at length met with the object of our wishes . A chapel in the centre of York now occupied by the Independents was to be disposed'of by public auction ' ; we made an offer for it , the consequence was it became ours for the sum of
three hundred pounds , one hundred of which was paid on the 2 nd February last as a deposit , which we borrowed upon interest , the remaining two hundred pounds are to be paid on the 2 nd November next , at which
time possession will be g iven . The chapel is well fitted up with pews and gallery , and will seat upwards of four hundred ^ people . The sum we are able to raise amongst our own friends is sixty pounds ; we hope our Unitarian brethren will not tnink the sum
too sirtatll , considering our pecuniary circumstances , as we are all labouring people , 36 that with the sum of sixty pounds already &ut > scribedj arid twenty Winds tvhich the Committee of the Jftitarian Fund has beeu pleased , to > estriw typon us , making a total of ei 8 hty pounds , there will remain a <* ebt of two hundred arid twenty pouads upon the chapel , tywules other accessary expences incident to the Jwchaae of suoh property ; this debt w ul be felt by us as a grftat incutn-^^^^*^^ W » M— - —~—_ . M ^ M ^ - ¦ - _ . _____
, , ; v ^__ _ *• Ffcr an an > Mrer to the . Utter question , ^ JJJ 5 ^ P « ft *«»* t is referred t 6 the notice 111 lwt Nt > . \ p » 36 £ > . l .
Untitled Article
brance , Ifut becomes as nothing when divided and shared by the Unitarian public . Donations however small will be thankfully received , and with your leave , Mr . -Editor , the subscri ptions may froro time to time be acknowledged in the Monthly Repository , a mode of acknowledgment vvnich will sare some trouble and expense both to the subscribers and receivers ; .
Subscriptions in aid of liquidating the debt of ^ 220 . upon the U nitarian Baptist Chapel in York , will be received by the Rev . C . Wellbeloved , York . As you , Sir , have a knowledge of the most proper characters in various
parts of the country , and if to the favours already conferred upon us , you will add this one of appointing receivers at such places as you may judge necessary , you will much oblige , Sir ,
Your obedient humble Servants , James Torrance , Minister . Richard Hands * \ n « Joseph Richardson , / eacom N . JB . As to the rise and progress of this Society we beg leave to refer your
readers to a work published in the year 1800 , by Mr . David Eaton , ani re-published by him in London , entitled , " Scripture the only Guide to Religious Truth , or a Narrative of the * Proceedings of a Society of Baptists in York . *
Untitled Article
Sir , June * 25 , 181 $ . AT the late meeting of the ffiendfc to the Unitarian Academy I understood with much satisfaction that the provision for . communicating clas r sicaf knowledge to the students wass likely to be extended . 1 hope these
students when they become ministers will attend to a duty now much rie * gtected , and occupy that talent by which they may be distinguished from the unlearned . The latter respectable and highly useful class of Christian teachers would well employ any leisure they could command , in comparing tjifieijent English translations , and thus
forming one which appeared to them to give - the best connected sense of scripture . But as to learned ministers , by thtir general priKftice of adopting / King James's Bible / do they not contribute , in a high dtgree , from the pulpit , and the press , to pffev serve and ^ increase a euperatitious regard for thftt version which ' is the
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Learned Ministers . *—Assembly of Divines . 3 Q 3
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 393, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/21/