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tfnavmd&ble effect' of early * associations ? •* A bad effect , but from a noble cause . " They also deprive their hearers ot readers of opportunities , which would otherwise frequently occur , oi" distinguishing the true sense from the customary sound of a difficult passage , by attending to it m a new phraseology . Yet when learned ministers determine to act up to their proper character , I hope they will not content them-$ el \ cs with the use of any version of the Scriptures , however improved , bat their own . What lecturer on Cicero
or . Demosthenes , who claimed or received credit for having spent years in acquiring the languages of those orators , and ascertaining the force and beauty of their expressions , would be endured ; or rather , what would be thought of his pretensions to learning 4 * r of his application , if he always quoted the translations of I > urtcan or x > f Iceland ?
Here I am reminded of teamed ministers in earlier times , -who neglecting , like the moderns ^ to use their learning or * a proper occasion , were justly reproved by a profoundly learned " layman . Thfe story is thus told by Whitelock . ¦ * " Divers members of both houses , whereof I was one , were members of the assembly of divines , and had the
sarnie liberty with the divines to sit &hd debate , and give trteir votes in any riaattet which was in consideration armongst them . In which debate Mr . Sclden spake admirably , and confuted divers dr > fhem in the"ir own learnitig . And , sometimes , when they cited a text of Scripture , to prove their assertion ,-he would tell them , perhaps in pour little pocket Sibils , with gilt leavesy ( which they would often pWll out and * ead . ) the translation -may be thus ; but the Ghretik 4 > r the Hebrew signifies thus or thus ;/ artd . so would totally silence ttoem > ! fcfem . ( 1732 ) p . 7 * .
Nbfwithstatvding this passage , I aim parsuUcted anreit het WhiteUch toor Setden rbp ; xrd ^ 'thfe { 'As 9 * tklflt / of JDivinfcs as iilitei ^ e ^ rUanwMrthy of refcp ^ ct . It was f * fcerv 6 df <» t the ! bigotry orltifrd Clare ** - dtttt ttt Uiigr ^ cc hi 3 History by thus d scriti > ng' that : Assembly <> I : < 530 )^ " S ^ r ^ of » than 1 ^ ittfiuctioti ^ T i& 1 ( *« iTKvcs ^ att * ' co ^ ersftth !) nsv ^ and mp * t of t * rth ^^ f vfery ^ vme&W'potts in ^ 'leaVn i ^ g ,
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if not of scandalous igttorahce ^ nd of no other reputation than of malice to the church of England . * ' * The ^ ! atel > r . Zoitch , one of the prependaries of Durham , in a note to his edition of Walton ' s Lives , quoted the passage from Whkelock and
anpears to have g iven itron amore . In a later work , his " Life of Sir P . Sidney , " he attetppted to degrade as low as possible the literature of the Puritans , though they had long ceased to interfere with Ijurham ' s golden
prebends . From his want of knowledge on this subject I suspect that Dr . Zouch was too much like the clergyman censured by Bishop Watson in the preface to ins Theological Tracts , who " never read Dissenting Divinity . " ^ LAICUS .
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Sir , duchester , July 3 , 18 i 6 . ALTH OUGH the greater part of your readers and correspondents , as well as yourself , are of quiet and pacific dispositions and habits , far
re-* On this passage Dr . Caiamy well remarks in his ' < Life of Baxtci * , " &c . ( 1 . 82 ) : " Who can give credit to hiin as an historian , that sball represent , such men
as Pr . Twiss , Mr . Gataker , Bishop Reynolds , Dr . Arrawsmith , Dr . Ti ^ ckney , Dr . Lightfoot , &c . as men of scandalous ignorance or mean parts ? Or who runs down such men as Dr . Gouge , Mr . Oliver Bowles , Mr . Vin 6 s , * » 4 r . Hcrle , Dr .
Spurstov ^ , Mr . I ^ e . wconien , Mr . Col 6-iiian , &c . as personfc of no other reputation than of nialtee tb the church of En ^ aiid ?" Calarity in his Continuation ( I . 14 ) also thus refers to WhitelocVs story ^ vhidi , it seems , other writers had . been fond of
repeating . ?< It is easjy to observe how the . generality of our historians take pleasure in lepresenting Mr . Selden as insulting the members of that assembly , whea he sat among them , about their Little English Bibles with ffilt leaves ,, and attacking them with Greek and Jhtebrey > i as to which there were many among them
thatwerfe both able and ready enough to answer him . But , Rethinks , they sfaould not , as , upoti ^ uis' occasion , the / seem willing , forget tlrat the same learned map , in his Histartf of Tithes whe * e Be deals with the g ^ nt lomen of th * J tticr »? cby , freely and l
T € rpv 6 a ( 5 he ^ thetii witl » ignorance /^ * ness , and upbraids them with lvwwff nothj ? ig to keep up their credit but hearth tttti ttntf Mf&tt , ^ fl ^ lilHiliil ^ th * ^ teuton rtdchtti ** o ' fttitfM than ** & ***' viary , the Postil , a * tf » tft ** ifoty anth& $ >
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394 Tlie Writer of ike &Utuaty of £ > r . Powell in Rtph / to J .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 394, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/22/