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The Spectator , Xo . ' £$ 4 , in 171- % wii * Syrjtten " expressly to encourage subscriptions to what was then thought a great object , a school for />() hoys . The second letter in No . 43 O , " is on the same subject , as is the ( Guardian , No . ' 10 . 5 . At this period , and 1 on £ after x there seems to have been no thought entertained of educating ; poor children , unless they could l > e also provided for , at least with cloa thing . U was Mr . Itaikes who , nearly forty year ; ago , produced a new era in educati > u by admitting to iiis sunday schools clean hands and fares , though in rags , a fine popular improvement of Krasmu-. ' . *« resohe , in favour of classic lore * iir > t , to ' S buy Greek books , and then , cloaths . PLEBEILS .
Untitled Article
^ The publication of the Manuel ex _ ctted so much attention , that tijc o families determined to unite fW public worship . This assembly , ' formed | ) v live heads of families , vi as ri ' rst o pemd in the month of Nlfrrse , year 5 , ( January 17 ( 37 ) at Paris ; iV the street Of St . Denis . Instead of Thei / nihwphiU *
they took the nan . c of Throphilaiu t / zfoprs , as n more pleasant sound , and equall y describing those who lo \ e Ood and men . TTiev chose for their day of meeting the ~ Sic , irf ( nj , without interfering with jhc ' choice of another
day by any other societv . . And lien I mnnot help remarking how the hiriiiiia ^ of these Theo phihuithro pists assimilates , on this subjeci , to tiiat of their countnnian Calrnt ' * in his Iin stitntes , ( B ' il . ( . viii . S . 34 ) . After describing the utility of substituting the Lord ' s day for the Jewish
Sabbath , to remind C-hnstians that the ceremonies of the former dispensation are abolished , Calvin-adds—nor do F rely ' upon the mnnber seven so as tj > consider the church as bound to its rigid observance , nor would I con * deum churches that use any other
solemn days of assembling , so tfiat tlu \ abstain from supcrstitition . * Th < part of the Institutes from which 1 nave taken this pas ?« acx , was that J suppose to which Air . Pcirce thus refers in his letter t <^ Dr . Snape , 171 ^ . ]> . : > 0 . * ' You cannot but know , th ;» i as we neviT professed to make Calvins judgment the standard of truth , so we iuue-ahvavs testified our dislike of
soukof his opinions . I will here mention one opinion ot his , which ' tis well-known has been always disagreeable to us and that is concerning the Lord ' s day . You never knew any of us profess a » approbation of his doctrine 111 this respect , or the practice of the church of Centva . which is founded thereon . "
The Thcophilanthropists had a com mittee who were expected to cinp ' ail hour in each week to examine , tin lectures designed for delivery at ui «* ensuing general meeting . Their inn i ings were called religious and nioni ! festivals—fetes rclif > utt * es it morales . In these they proposed to
introduce-? « tf Ncque « ic tumuli septenarim" n" ' meruni mon > r , vit ejus s < rvittiti Kcclesinui astrin ^ anv , rtcqui * enim KtcUvsias daninaverv , HB 4 * s alios cpnventibus suis so ^ nv ^ die * habcaiit , ino < io a *« per 8 titiot » i' »» - fint . 'ft instit ^ L ti o , Geneya , 1602 . M- *» '
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3 {) R 77 / eoph Ma n fhmp isfs .
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St . Jrdlcori ) Sir , June CO , 181 ( 5 , - 1 OBSERVED ( p . 2 . 57 ) that the " misrepresentations of a younu , though iearned orthodox lecturer , had obliged my old friend Mr . Jk'Ishnm to notice the llieophilanihropists ' . I had thought little about them for some years , but notv recx ^ tlcctecl that , amoni ; a few curiosuiis , I possessed wl > at may he called their klnrgij , or rather directory , wine h a fr / end hn ) ii ^ ht ? o me from the continent soon after it
wz \< printed . The l '' heophilanfh ' h > pht * \\ i \{\ ceased to attract any ' notice , if in-< lee 4 they cxisti-d in a connected form , when your work commenced , and hate , 1 helievc , never been described in your pages . You may therefore be disposed to accept the following ; account .
The publication to which I have referred is neatly printed in 18 mo . extending to 78 pages , and thus entitled : — ' « I . e C ' nhe des Theophilanthropes , on Adoratenrs de XVieu et Amis des Homines ; nontenant leur Manuel et un Hecneil de Discours , Lectures , F [ yiniie ? , et ( ' antiques pour Unites lt'iirs fetes reli ^ ieuses et morales . Seconde ' edition . A Hasle de l'imj ) rimirie de J . Decker . 17 <) 7 "
From a short history prefixed , we learn that the origin of this society was in September I 7 f , 0 , when a , little work appeartcl- at Paris , under the title Of € t Maiiliel dos TbeanIhophiles , Zcr . public par O—— . " They * t '\ wn eorrsiseed of a ifew persons xviio carried on worship and inbtruction iit sepaVivfe 'farmJios . ' "
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 398, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/26/