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Epitaph , In a Cfacrch-yard in Wales , over the Grave of ¦ a faithful Servant *
In memory of . 'Mrs .- Mary Carryl , deceased 22 nd November , 1809 . This monument was erected by El en or Butler and Sarah Ponsonby , of Piasnewydd , in this parish . Kelca ^ ed from earth , tuid all its transient woes , She , whose remains beneath this stone repose , Stedfust in faith resign * d her parting breath , Look'd up with Christian joy , and smil'd in death . Patient , industrious , faithful , gen ' rous , kind , Her conduct left the proudest far behind ; Her virtues dignified her humble birth , And rais'd her mind above this sordid earth . Attachment , sacred bond of grateful breasts , Extinguished but with life , this tomb attests , Rear'd by two friends who will her loss bemoan , . Till , with her ashes ., bere , shall rest their OWlli
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CoVCLT 7 \ PjrN G SoNTXET . By Sir Philip Sidney .
Spleiididiff longwn valedieo nugis . To splendid trifles , now , a long farewell . Leave me , O Love I which reachest but to dust ; And thou , my mind , aspire to higher things : Grow rich in that which never taketh rust ; | l Whatever fades , J > ut fading pleasure , || brings . n ^ win thy beanos , and humble all th y / rfvight
To that sweet yoke , where lasting f ree ^ dams be , hich breaks , the ' clouds , and opens forth the light , * "at doth both shine , and give us sight to see . •?• - 0 fast hold ! let that light be thy nt small course , which birth draws An ^ death ; Wh h ° W i 11 ' ** 001 * 1 ** 11 »»» " to slide , J ° seeketh heav ' n , aud comes of ''T hen f ^^ breath ' jj ^ 'YWell [ > world > thy uttermost I see , ** * Ove , maintain thy love in me . 1 i i
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The Soldier . [ From the Cabitvrty 17 . 95 . ] Who hath beene a soldier , O , Who hath sough ten glorie ? Who hath thronged with archers bolde , Till his lockes were hoarie ? I havtf beene a soldier , O , f * Seekinge ever gloria , Facinge death , with my archers bolde , Till my lockes he hoarie . y My bodie is well seam'd with stairs , Though ne ' er a Hmbe be wantinge ; But let me not the braggart seenae , ' True valour is not rauntingc . Good JLorde ! and though thy haires be
gray , And tl \ y bodic roughe and seamed , Hath thy greene mauhood dedes achieved , To make thine age esteemed . Tygres that doe thirste for bipod , Through forestes wilde are raginge ; Ah me ! that man , like tygre gauntq With man should warre be waginge , Grieslie demons sprong from hell , Fraught with accursed vengeance , Lead on gvimm discorde ^ hrpug l ) th « world , And hurle their slaughtering engine * .
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i 415 )
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From the Italian of Fmgeni . And shall we turn a deaf and careless ear , To Thy dread voice , Omnipotent , — nor bow Our daring foreheads to the dust , when Thou Hurlest Thy thunders round the trembling sphere ? What I—shall we grasp our fatal pleasures dear , Till that dark , deflate hour of helpless woe , N When the pale spectre , death , shall strike the blow > And we the victims ? —Then appalling fear
Shall scatter dew drops oh our brow ;—a blast , A chilling blast , shall freeze our x * eins , — and chase The spirit of life that trembles on our tongue ; Now , now rebel , presumptuous ones , — row face The frownings of The Terrible ; ' tis past ! O fearful , frightful hour , forgot too long !
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A .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 415, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/43/