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Townes they sack , and realmes despoyle , Maidens are defloured , Babes doe bleed and age doth groane Contemned and orepowred . Swaines that fed their sev e ral fiocke , Nor thought of otfeer harminge , Now foot to foot and hand to hand , In breache or scarpe are storminge . What the angrie surrde did leave , Sbarpe battel axe , or bowmen , Kire and wastinge must complete , For Warre is ever foaming . Where shall hie th * affrayed dame , With infante offspring clinginge ? Not farre off is the fatal storme , Eohe gale its terrours bringinge .
Tell me now thou gallante soldier Now thy lockes with age be hoarie , Can ' st thou praise thy wiide carriere , Can ' st thou call thy madnesse glorie ? To upholde some lordlinge proud , Or king with curst ambition , What foule murders hast thou done ! Sweet Christ , give thee contrition . Amen , amen , thou reverent priest , Thy counsaile is most holie ; Thy wordes do teache repentante age , To curse its manhood ' s follie . But doubly curst be kinglie pride , Makinge erthe one- charnel , Millions of masses dailie sayde Stay not bell ' s paynes eternal .
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DOMESTIC . Religious . Manchester College 3 York . On Tuesday , Wednesday , and Thursday , the 25 th , * 6 th , and 27 th June , the Trustees held their Annual Examination of the Students educated
in this Seminary 5 ( present , Messrs . Broaelhurst , Crompton , Falla , Falla , jun . Fletcher , Jevons , Kershaw , Leo , Malkin , Martin , Needham , S . R . Philips , Sanderson , Shore , jun . Stanger , Stanger , jun . Thomson , M . D . and G . W . "Wood , Treasurer , and the
Rev . Messrs , Ashton , Astley , Beattiie , Heineken , Hutton , Jevons , Johnstone , Jones , G . Kenrick , Kentish , Lamport , Robberds , Secretary , H . Turner / P , Wright , Wallace , and Turner , Visitor , } on Tuesday the junior Greek and Hebrew Classes , the
senior Mathematics and Modern His * - tory Classes , and on Wednesday the senior Hebrew , junior Latin , and second Mathematical Classes ; after which Mr . Samuel Wood read an Oration on the , Origin , of Kvil , and Mr . James Tay lot on the Causes which have led to the Differences between the
English and Continental Constitutions . The Examination then proceeded of the se ' eond Greek and Latin , junior Mathematics , Ancient History , Evidences , and Natural Philosophy , and concluded' for that day with a Discourse by Mr . Haslam , to shew that the Apostles were not Enthusiasts , and an Oration by Mr . John Tayler , on tbe- reciprocal Influence of Taste and Morals , On Thursday , Messrs .
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Mardon , Morris and Cannon , went through a Jong critiqal examination on the New Testament , with V particular-view to shew the Use of the Septuagint Version of the Old Testament , and the Syriac of the New , in
the illustration of the latter , and also to exemplify the application of Paley ' s argument for the genuineness of trie books , by a comparison of the historical and epistolary writings . They were afterwards examined in Churcn .
History , and the various controversies which had arisen in the several ages , with the principal writers who had distinguished themselves on both sides down to the present time . The classes in Logic and Metaphysics , and in Ethics and Political Economy , were
then examined , a . s was also the senior Latin Class ; after which Mr . John Taylor read . a Latin Oration on the Poetical Merits of Lucretius - Mr , John Wellbelotred on the Hope of a
Future Life ; and Mr . Fletcher on the Early Periods of the Greek and Roman History - , Mr . Cannon an English Oration on the Influence of Mental Cultivation in producing good Morals in the Individual ; and Mr . Morris a Sermon on John ix . 4 » The
remaining Classes examined vvere those in Hebrew Poetry , the Belles Lettres , and the higher Greek Classics and the Greek Metres ; after which Mr . Stratton read a Discourse on the respective Influences of Civilized and ravage Life on Virtue and Happiness , ana Mrr Mardon a Sermon on the Love of Truth , from 2 Thess . ii . 10 . 1 % ought to be observed , that in th ese
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416 Intelligence . —Manchester College , York .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 416, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/44/