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truth . The chairman proposed that Mr . Turner should examine the accounts and report thereon , when the certificate , of which a copy follows , was drawn up and signed : — -
We , whose names are underwritten , Jbeing ministers and ethers present at the opening , of the New Unitarian Chapel at Thome , having examined the account . of .-monies contributed by the members of the society there , and hitherto subscribed by others , and also the sums expended by them in the
building of their plain , but neat and convenient place of worship , beg leave to submit to the Unitarian public the following general statement , and respectfully to recommend the case of tneir friends at , Thorne to public notice ; not doubting that the debt at present upon the ehapel . will in no long time be liquidated .
L s . d . Subscriptions ia tbe Neighbourhood of Thovtte , ........ 91 11 6 Other Subscriptions received or promised ,.............. 86 I O j 177 ll 6 Casts of the Unitarian Chapel at Thome / . . • . - ' , - ' • - - ' . - 408 1 8 ) V . t . ¦ ' . I ' ' To be provided for 230 9 9
Nathaniel PhUibpR , Sheffield ; W . Turner , Newcastle ; ! N . T . Heinekeh , Gainsbro ; P . TVYight , Sheffield ; Richard Astley , Hutifaxj 3 ohh Beattie , JSllandj Henry Turner i Bradford ; Joseph Hottoto , Nbttit ogharttf George Kenrick , Hull ; F . W . Everet , Sheffield ; W . Jevons , Altringkam ; John Thomson , Halifax ; Samuel Martin , Hull ; Job a Fox , Sheffield .
Subscriptions received at Thorne , June ^ Stk , 1816 . R « v T ^ fteri Newcastle , .. ¦ 1 10 George ? Hai ¥ i $ , i .. .. i ; .. 1 10
—— Benj&iniilr Marden , * .. . . „ . 0 10 6 - —John Kentish ^ . * ........ 110 ~ —N . TVlieiiieken ,. 1 1 O wmudl Martiu ^ JCsq .. 1 1 » 0
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-Association of the West Riding of tYotkshirc . •* .. ¦ / The Meeting of th < $ Dissenting Mi-Wars of the West Riding , of Yorkshire , % they hav « been wont tp term . them * . ? W »» Uxrik / place at Halifax on the - ^ . -0 fv this month . rThia . is a very rnS * ^ sociatip ^ acu d b « s 4 iindergone T . ^ course of ila progress , consider-• w fl i ^ ctuafcfona in potii t of nuxniber ,
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and great changes in the religious views of its members . It has never altered its name , and perhaps on some accounts it may be better th ^ t it should preserve its original appellation . That appellation , however , it must be
confessed , but very imperfectly delineates the real complexion erf the gaeeting , the members of which are nearly all professedly Unitarians , as the term has been explained by I > r . Priestley . The meeting appeared to afford peculiar satisfaction to every one present :
the cause of truth and religion was . the predominant impression upon the mind , and it was accompanied with every kind and good-tempered feeling of J , ne heart . If there are times when it may be said that " righteousness and peace have kissed each other , " the present would seem to have been an
occasion when a salutation of # similar narture had taken place ; for piety , f r iendliness , and cheerfulness , appeared to have met in very pleasing union . The religious services of the day were conducted b y the Rev . Jeremiah : Donoujghue , of Lidget > and the Re / . John Glooch Robberds , of Manchester , the former taking the devotional pan , the latter the Sermon . The woras of
the discourse were from John xiv . 15 . "If ye love me , keep my commandments . " Nothing could be more into * resting , irnpressive , and improving than this discourse : the style of its
composition was , simple , elegant , manljr , and forcible ; , tnq manner erf the preacher solemn ., zmd impressive ? It has sometimes JSeen complained , that piety seeiks npt in very close union with Unilarianisrn : tne Seiv
mon of Mr . Robberds would sufficiently redeem the cause . from this re * proacbh : never did there appear a more happy , and engaging alliance - To enlarge is to ^ endanger an encroachment upon dejicacy of feeling in that quarter where it is our last wish U > give offence : where the eulogium is most due , it is sometimes the least
desired , and that we are assured i& the case in the present instance . A violation * however , would be done to our feelings not to advert to one idea upon which , the preacher very beautifully enlarged —the decisive advantage which the Unitarian view of the
character of Christ possessed over every other system for the fulfilment of that love which is considered b y alias due to the blessed Sayiotav fiyery other
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Intelligence . X — fFest Riding Association . 4 %
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V iu * ; u
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 421, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/49/