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ftif the preparation of the " deeds necessiif to be executed b y her : but in the rn « 4 * J Ufaie the lad y ^ had changed her intentions and insisted upon having
ftbse estates at her own disposal , or at feast an equivalent of two hundred pounds per annum . As the trustees had it not in their power , any more than in their inclination , to submit
io cither of her demands , they found themselves under the necessity , irr the year 1717 , of filing a bill in Chancery against Mrs . Roberts , and afterwards a supplemental bill against the attorney-general , to have the will and codicil of the testator established , and the
trust carried into execution . During the progress of these bills , Mrs . Roberts relinquished her former claims , and consented to confirm her brother ' s will , on the conditkm of receiving sixty pounds per annum , commencing from the time of his decease , to dispose of in charities in North Wales , as she should see fit : with which the
Trustees agreed to comply , upon the report of the master in Chancery that it was for the interest of the charities that they should come into this proposal . Accordingly , by indentures of the Uth of March 1719 , and 25 th of March 1720 , Mrs . Roberts granted and released to the trustees and their
heirs all the estates of which the testator was possessed before making his will , as well as those described in his codicil , subject to the payment of sixty pounds per annum , ' as she should b y deed ' or will direct , and for want of such direction to Mfs . Roberts herself . This grand obstacle to fhe proving of
Dr , Williarris ' s will having been removed , on the 26 th of July 1721 , a decree was obtained at the Rolls , by which the . above-mentioned indentures and the testator ' s will were established , aim hi 4 various charities were directed to be executed and performed . By ^ e resu h of these procee'diriets , the hive ia bf
^ tees ! e&ai estate urrierita fee ^ Sirit plg , in Terhpte Micior # % < & i- BeeefeLane and GlaverV U > urt ' est& $ 4 : Cbleidriari-street estate , a CleTkeriweiLgreeV estate 5 artd In ' IL ^ ' ^ W ^^^ V ^ I ' - ari ^ $ m > M Witi&ty , ntit specially de-^ fe ^ ' ^ w ^ wtwWtfr ; l S ^ otiiUMr ( ^ ' < m decree , i «^ % Se' i , cWta ^ to ihe -: mae'teT - ^ 'mSaSfW ttettlttfe 4 feec »^ mey ,
Untitled Article
and carrying them into execution ; which were approved of , and continue to be foiloweel to the presttnt time , with such alteration ^ as they have found it necessary to introduce , which have received tiie sanction of the Court .
The founder ' s w ^ ill directs , thlt the trnstees whom he appoints , and their assigns and successors , shall meet at least once a quarter in London , for the management of his estates ; and that if any of them , or theif successors shall remove to a considerable distance
from London , or voluntarily neglect ot betray their trust , or be rendered incapable faithfully arid diligently to answer tire ends of it , then the residue of the said triistees and successors , from time to time , shall choose others
m the room of such , and the disallowed be deprived of ail powef and right to intermeddle in any part 6 f the trust . The Will also directs that the vote of the majof part of the trustees present
shall conclude any matter ; but that twelve of them shall be always present , ( if so many are ali \ eand neat London , < Vee from violent restraint , ) in granting " leases , electing successors , arid other
very important matters . And that in the aforesaid eases of death , &rc . a ! l about JL » 6 ndt > ri being surriiTio . ned to twdsuccessive meetings , what ft concluded ^ in the first meeting , ' notice thereof being sent t , 6 the absent in and near London , and confirmed in the second '
meeting , shall stand and l > e valid if the number be seven ^ provided th ey have riot wilrtdly bihitted" to fill- up the numbers toy eletrtiiig other * to siicceed the dead , arid $ ucn as reject the management of the ttust after they had accepted it , or inhabit abotfe ten miles from London , and sudh as shall be
votep by fiftee ' 11 of tnje trustees tp endea ^ otif to betra y or iriistrate the scope and purpose irfterilded by the testator in any corisidetttble p ^ irt of hw will ^ for these Ihst are to'bfe succeeded ^ is- if * dead , &nd others efected by- hi * triis ^ tees in theif » 6 tead . ' > 1 ( }
K ! After various legitteks fe individoafe , aft ^ a ^ b dia ¥ hableinstktttid ^ 3 i Dr . 'Wil-\ im * k divised eitktes Wt Birnet ih Hferid % dNh ( re , $ h& Tdt # ftith to'fessfex , tfe ^ rfer SViih one hUhdfeA pottrtda in nWWe ^ I to the ^ Odf ^ ege ^ F Olft % b # , tkvaVd * the th ^ i ri tenance W stlch studerrt ^ -froni Sbii th Britoih * k hi » trufetjee ^ ^ hfittld atttittirit ' ***} noirllnat ^ { tmHrt&iv iimi t ^ bfe Ixettovtd ^
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Abstract of * 4 he History , of Dr . frffllam ' s Trust . 377
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 377, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/5/