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gradually advancing , till at length it shall be the one Universal Faith . This at least is the polar star of our creed , that to whicn we believe the great lawgiver of" the Jews pointed , &i ^ d to which the founder of the Christian faith as clearly pointed . And we have no doubt that although ,
like the polar star of the natural firmament , it may at present be but dimly seen by some Christians , yet that ere long it shall be as clearly viewed as a star of the first magnitude in the
brightest-night , and prove , in connexion with those pleasing hopes of the gospel to which it is attached , a safe guide to all who are sailing the ocean of life , to the blissful shores of eternity . JVakefield . T . J .
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Kent and Sussex Unitarian Association . The fifth Anniversary of the Kent and Sussex Unitarian Association , was held at Maidstone , on Wednesday the 10 th instant , when it is but justice to Mr , Aspland to observe that his truly excellent discourse excited a very lively
interest in the minds of his auditory , and that it is sincerely hoped that he will yield to the warm expression of their wishes in favour of its publication ., and thus enable them to , derive the Full benefit from his generous
labours , b y its extensive distribution . The service commenced -with' an appropriate prayer by Mr . Harris ; while the principal part of the devotions , by Mr . Hoi den , presented a beautiful delineation of the universal
beneficence and tender mercies of our heavenly Father , with a most fervent expression of gratitude and obedience . The annual report of the proceedings of . the Committee , which has been appointed to superintend the distribution of Tracts , and to direct their attention to whatever relates to the general interests of our associated body , was read at the close of the service , and was
followed b y the reports and communications from the several congregationsy some of which have chosen committees from their respective subscribers , denominated District Commit tees , -which maintain a correspondence
with the v general Committee , through tHeir Secretaries ; Nearly $ 000 small Tracts have been distributed duritic the Ian year ; upward * of 10 QQ of which consist of practical < Duplications , by the ChurUtion T «* ct ijooiety i » Lon-
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don , and the remainder ate immedi - ately directed to- the promotion of rational views concerning scri pture doctrine , with exhortations to conaistency of conduct in all who am con *
vmced of the strict Unity , the unrivalled supremacy , and the spontaneous and universal benignity ol God . The melancholy case of Mr . C . Herbert , who has lately been warned out of his school ^ on which he
depends for the subsistence of a family of eight children , for his integrity in maintaining thedivine Unity with the plain and inestimable truths connected with it , was laid before the Society , and as he possesses considerable merit as a teacher , and is particularly desirous of inculcating just and generous
views of religion and virtue upon the minds of children , it is hoped that should any opening of-this kind be afforded , or indeed should * any source by which an upright man skilled in the arts of writing , arithmetic , &cmay provide , or be assisted in providing tor a numerous , and still
increasing family , reach the knowledge of any of our Unitarian friends , or of the friends of liberality and humanity in general , who may be acquainted with his case * they will not fail to communicate the particulars either immediately to Mr . Herbert himself , or
through the medium of some friend . There is * evidently no object of our unanimity so pressing as the endeavour to remove or alleviate those sufferings or inconvenience ' s to which a friend may occasionally be subjected , from a conscientious adherence to his principles ,
JProm the " communications of seve ral of our friends from different parts of the countiesy k appeared that the spirit of inquiry has * been making considerable progress . Our Battle Secretary observes that ef it is becorrie almost universal : men begin to think concerning religion , and are n 6 longer faith
content to rest in at * implicit . This , therefore , " he observes , " is the time to exhibit Christianity to their view in ks native purity and simp licity , that they may see its excellence and be ^ convinced of its triith , and that itW effects may appear in -their character send deportment in' life- " ^ scttToely less pleaamg amount was presemed in the narrative of a friend frpni Dtovteiy whose ebcertiofts ; have been a principal ^ raeanfc ^ of es&UUbing * ° "
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424 Intelligence . —> lfimt and Sussex UTtitarUm Association
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 424, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/52/