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tendency of the doctrine of the Trinity . By the report of the Committee It appeared that the funds of the Society were in a flourishing state . The foflowing resolutions were passed
unanimousl y : —That Is . L . Marshy Esq . and Mr . Eldward Taylor be continued in the offices of Treasurer , and Secretary for tjie year ensuing . That a number hf Tracts , at the discretion of the
Committee , be placed at the disposal of theT different ministers in the association . That the * next yearly meeting be helj at Framlingham , on the last Wednesday and Thursday in June , 1817 , and that Mr Scargill be requested to preach . Thirty-seven members and friends to the Society afterwards dined together at the Bear and Crown , Mt . J . D . Harmer in the
chair . The toasts and sentiments which were given , called forth observations from several gentlemen present , particularly Mr . JteeB , Mr . Toms , Mr . Hams , Mr . Scargill , Mr . Fullagar , and Mr . Taylor . On " the memory of our departed friend * Mr .
Joyce , " being given , Mr . Rees took occasion to pay a just and affecting tribute of respect to the character of that excellent man , and steady friend to the cause of civil and religious liberty . Several subjects connected with the spread of Unitarian principles in this district were discussed , and some
measures adoptee } for the attainment of so important and highly desirable an event . The greatest cordiality and harmony pervaded the meeting , and the company separated with feelings of Christian affection and sincere pleasure .
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North-Eastern Unitarian Association . This Association comprehends the Unitarian Churches in JVisbcachy LiUtoVy Boston * and Lincoln . They held their annual meeting at Wisbcach , on WtdnestUiy , June the 26 th , a , nd Thursday the 27 th . Mr . Platts , of Boston , preached on the Wednesday evening , " On Salvation by Jesus
Christ , on Unitarian Principles . " On Thursday morning Mr . Wright , the Missionary , preached the Association Sermon , '«* Ori the Import and Practical Tendency of the LJoctrine of the "Unity-pf Qod : " after which the Annual Business of the North-Eastern Unitarian $ ook (§ ociety was transacted . At two . o ' clock * more thiih 1 Q 0 , iriwds i # § ¦» , i , ~ ¦ ¦ •*>•« -. > . < . .. . 3 u . V . - , - ¦¦'' -, ' **• '¦ ' ,
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d i q ed together ; af ter the dinner a aunjber of sentiments were given , which called up different speakers , and the afternoon was spent in an animated and truly Christian manner , much to the edification of the whole company . Xt sev ^ n o ' clock the congregation re-asscrnbled , and Mr . Hawkes , of Lincoln ft
preached On the Nature of Heresy /' The public services were numerousl y attended ., The Unitarian cause in this district is still advancing . The Association , will be held next year at Boston . R . W .
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Nottinghamshire , Derbyshire , &fc . Association * At Nottingham , on Friday , 21 st df June , 181 $ , was Jiolden the Annual Meeting of the Unitarian l ^ inisters of * Nottingiiamshire , Derbyshire , and the Southern part of Yorkshire . The
devotional service was condMctcd by the Rev . J . P . Wright , of Stanningtonjj near Sheffield : and the Sermon was preached by the Rev . John , . " Williams , of JVIansfiefd , from Matt . xiii . 52 . In this Sermon ., which produced a strong impression on the audience , the preacher pointed out the necessity o £ a well-educated ministry ; and shewed what qualifications are essential to
constitute a well-educated minister . Much general knowledge , and especiall y a thorough acquaintance with the Scriptures in the original tongues , he deemed indispensable to a scribe thoroughly instructed Unto the kingdom of heaven , lie concluded witn
a display of the advantages resulting from such a ministry : adding , that from an ill-educated ministry , much positive evil results to religion and
society . The number of ministers present was small ; yet , by the respectaule attendance of lay friends , a company of about thirty ) ay-in . en and ministers dined together , "the place of meeting announced for next year is She ^ S eld .
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Devon and Cornwall Annual Meeting of Unitarian CJwistians . July 5 . —The Annual Meeting of " the Association of ^ Unjtariun Christians iri I ) ev 6 n and Cornwall , estate
lisheel for the purpose . of promoting the cause of Chnsti ^ 'TfVath and Practice , by the DisjLri ^ tipQ pf Books , and effecting a xxiprf ' ^ n ^ imate y ni ? aijiong thy Profe # > ws of ^ e Umtarian
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4 ^ 6 Intelligence . —Devon an 4 Cornwall , Aynnal Meeting qf Unitarian Chris tian
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 426, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/54/