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DiJcttffte in those Counties , " was held at Moretonhamp ^ tearf , on the 3 d instant ^ when the Rev . I . Cooper opened the service of the day , by reading a psalm , which was sung in an excellent stile by the choir , after
which the devotional service was conducted by the Rev . I > r . Carpenter in his usually impressive and serious manner . The annual Sermon was delivered by the Rev . I . Worsley , founded on the 4 Oth chapter of Isaiah and the 18 th verse , " To whom then will ye liken God j" The discourse was somewhat original and highly
impressive , and pointed out some of the various erroneous notions entertained by reputed orthodoxy concerning the jDivine Being , and his messenger of love to the human race , the holy Jesus . After the conclusion of the service , the members of the
Association went through the business of Ithe da ^ r with zeal and unanimity , . which was highly edifying , and admitted several nfew members . After' a very p lain dinner , at which nearly 60 'members , sat \ vJth apparent satisfaction , the memory of the late venerable
1 > . iPriestley was solemnly drank , -standing ; nor we * e the -names of Lmdsey , Kenrick , and Toulmin , and soWie others still livifjg for the benefit of the cause of religion truth , forgotten ; and with a feelings which was ' affecting and impressive ; the members were reminded of thei # obligations to " the friends of UnUarianWm both in
and out of the establishment , ' * who , though -. they have not yet avowed themselves as ^ such , > have by rational . instruction and virtuous examples , ty&eai'ifof years rooting out the weed , ahd preparing the -ground , in which -the eriliehiened Unitarian is now entfoe erilihiened Unitarian is now
eng ionragecT to sow with diligence the g 6 od- seed , which , by 'producing an afoimdant crop , yvill ere long cause the nation ^ of -the earth to * rejoice;—and , by < jne ~ ' respected member of the Society , , the effects of the improving liberality of some o £ the most
distingwisned advocates of reputed orthodoxy on the cause of Onitariaiiism , and of the exertions of the friends of ^ e latter on th ^ former , were with Christian benevolence pointed out as * wuling to spread religions eoquiry aud ttai cause of divine truthy as well as
^ diminish and prevent asperity « , on b 6 th feides of the question . In hort , fl * e z « al and -UberaHty displayed . By
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every speaker , seemed to give delight and animation to all , and to prove the happiness which brethren , who in some respects differ in opinion , may enjoy , when they meet together to promote the cause of divine truth and religion . J . 1 .
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South Wales Unitarian Book Society . The Annual Meeting of the South Wule 3 Unitarian Book Society was held at Swansea , on Wednesday the 26 th , and at Gellyonen , on Thursday the 27 th of June . " The Itcv . J . Howe , of Bristol , preached , on Wednesday morning , from John xx . 31 , a verv
manly and seasonable Discourse , which , he was afterwards requested to print , but declined . The Rev , D . Davis , of Neath , followed him , in Welsh , from 1 Tim . ii . 5 .: and in the evening the Rev . J . Evans , of Carmarthen , delivered , in English , a very ingenious Discourse , from John i . 1 . Between
thirty and forty gentlemen dined together at the Bush Inn , and sixteen new subscribers were added to the Book Society . On Thursday morning , at Gellyonep , the Rev . Thomas Evans , of Aberdate , preached from Colossians iii . 4 . ; and the Rev . J . Evans , of Carmarthen , the ?
Sermon before the Society , from 1 Cor . viii . ( 3 , The Rev . Mr . Thomas , a pupil of Mr . Evans , of Islington , and the Rev . B . Philips , of St . Clear ' s , conducted the devotional part of the Service . The whole of the Services of
this day were in Welsh ; and Mr . J . Evans ' Sermon , at the request of the Society , is to be printed . \ Vhen the business of the Boo'k Society was closed , the attendants , who were very numerous and respectable , and among whom were eighteen ministers , formed themselves into " A Meeting of Unitarian Christians from different parts of South Wa ^ les / ' at which
GEORGE THOMAS , Esq . Being in the Vhair , If WAS UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED , ** J . That the thaj . iks of this meeting be g iven to the Rev , Thomas Behhaai , for his seasonable and very useful publication / entitled , « A Letter to the Unitarian Christians in South Wales / 11
c 2 . That it is not known to this meeting th ^ t any iujury whatever , but on the edntrary veFy emineitt service * has bee * mine ta the " Cause of Uui ~
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Intelligence . —South Wales Unitarian Book Society . 42 ^
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 427, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/55/