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Untitled Article
f „ ^ dilh PlanMions in the West I h-* df . aiij ' tiiatthe remainder of the fii&me should l ? e paid to the College wards $ he . support of persons engaged in tfae cbriyejrsiqn ot the Indians . In the year jl 74 < i , by the death qf the person , ivhplhad a life interest in that State , it fell , to the Society , y and in to it
1 ^ 4 j 5 the writings relating were delivered " to the . treasurer for the time P £ » ng . Dr . Williams was also fully aware of . the state of barbarism and siiperjtition which prevailed among the h \ yex classes in Ireland , where he Had his earliest settlement , and
formed that , matrimonial connexion to which he was , chiefly indebted for his means of benevolence . With a view lo . pfoxpote * their reformation , he clia , ) rg ^ rf his estates with a g ran t of b in
{ Jfey pounds per annum , to e paid Dubfi ' a to ; a pfeacher or the gospel , feeing a Protestant , arid skilful m the Irish tongue , ' who should be willing as an itinerant , diligentf y to prcacU in Irish , wherever he might find an
opportunity , so long as he should be approyed of b y four gentlemen whbro p < i nominated in Ireland , and their £ s 8 jgjp 8 from time to time , as Well as j $ Jhis trustees . ' JBut t ) r , Wrjliams ' s beqiiesta for the Instruction and improverhent of the p 6 pr were made on the most extensive
j 5 ^ ale , ^ ri behalf of that class in his iative country , and at C helm ' s ford , iri JCssex . IJis trustees were directed tOQ ^ oqse aiid apjX ) int some pious grave per&pas , with salaries of eight pounds p eratxnurn , ifor the purpose of teaching
twenty poor children to read English , aifd of ipstri ^ ctihg them in the principles of * ' £ he Christian religion , in scvcml J ; 6 wns , which he named , so } ong ^ they sjh ^ ould conduct the tnselves in a pia . hner to ' n ^ eet with their approb ation . Amop ^; other towns he nad sd ^ jteil Flint , Beaumaris , iind
Conway . When , however , the trustee * Wae proposals to the clergy and princi pal inhabitants of those towns ior tW settlement of such schools in ^^ Ri , tney were r . e ) ected i on the 3 Up-^ ti ^ p th ^ t the childre n > yere txy be ^ J ) g ^ t the Assembly ' s Catechism , and p , b § un ^ r Itie lultidti of t >}^ senters ^ Oie . CHurch of ^ ng lathd . The ;» % » reipf ^ ejd , therefore ^ to eik WKli actiSMs at ' Newmarket in
Untitled Article
Flintshire , and Pullhel y in Caernar ^ vonshire , in their steafd : and thetf resolution was confirmed by the ^ Coutt of Chancery . In consequence © f considerable improvements in the trust
estates , the salaries of the respective masters have of late years been raised to sixteen pounds per annum ; and the benefits of this branch of the testator ' s charitable benefactions extend , co ) 7 i ' miinibus annrs , to morferhan two hundred children . The advantage of the rising generation was also consulted iri another
part of Dr . Williams '? will , which directs the appropriation of the sui plus of the income ot his estates , after the qther purposes and uses of his wil ! have " been fulfilled . Among the schemes for settling the testator ' s benefactions approved of by the Court . the following relates to such surpl us ^—Whenever it shall be found fb amount to fiA e hundred pounds , it shall b « divided according to the prbportioti which he prescribes : one eighth for the purchase of bibles , catechistris , &c .
to be distributed by his trustees -j onetenth among the widows of ' ministers , and one fifth among ministers . re £ spectively nominated b y them ; one eighth for the purpose of apprenticing poor boys ; one eighth among the students of three years standing irt seminaries of education for the
ministry , for aid during two years additional study either in Scotland , or * in England , at the discretion of the trustees ; one hundred and r eight pounds six shillings and eight penc * among approved ministers iri North Wales y and fifty-four pounds three shillings and four-pence among approved ministers in South Wales .
The amount of the nomination to ministers and ministers' widows is always to be determined by the number of trustees present on the day -6 f the distribution . Dr . Williams ' * last bequest of any magnitude , was that of his books , including the purchased collection of
Dr . Bate ' * , which he appointed for a public library , afceessibfe * to such persons a ^ sh ould be . approved of bv hifc trustees , « ' for the perusal ot anjr books in the place where they are lodged . " For the reception or this Ubrfctjr , * he directed hU t ^ i te ^ S ' to " purchase ot buiW a - § t edifice , not potnpoud ; or ; too Iirge / * tod to >~ toy tew pdi * ita * V ** Wftttttt -tor a Kbrafry
Untitled Article
jflb&lractofffu * IEstory bf Dr . Wiilbam * * $ Trust . $ jg
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), July 2, 1816, page 379, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2454/page/7/