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Vidlffna * el £ ta £ * ifcd 4 ias ? tt ? $ k 9 ig £ 41 deep impfi ^ < ni rtl ^ bk ? rmrn ( l ^ rw 3 ? g , Mrf . Wnrchfcster / s skying ; , as they were
walking together , a number of things which are thought sacred truths will -be found to be erroneous ; and inany things w&ich are thought errors < wHl be fo * uid ' I > ivine truths . " Mr . V .
r £ qu £$ tecl > feim to state to what points he referred ; this -Mr . W . decluied , and on ) y added *; A ( Go on , and you "will find it all out indue time . *' \¦ : JbmsUGiA- MTV - > .-. again in the summer of 179 ^^ and I think it was at dm . iime < we speiU * at least , a fortnight together ^ He lived near
Bethnal-gteen , and we had frequent opportartkiest > f talking--together where we tffere fre « foom -interruption . During tbis ^ isitcwe investigated a number of si&fej £ rctsy examined the Scriptures together * atid discussed freely a variety T * £ * points on which our views were < Hffer 6 n £ . ~ I recollect , in particular , -the existence of the devil was one of
tbe . 'subjeets x > m which w « entered . It iraasi proposed to-examine-the passages -efo-Scripture -one by one , in which such a being is supposed to be mentiometiy and to endeavour to ascertain , by ? ' ' attending to the context , and whateVEnniighfe . assist us to understand the
< iesign of the writer ^ the real meaning © £ each-passage . Before we got through wefch this investigation , Mr . V . aeknowledged , that by this mode of pro-< xeedir * g , ; the passages which are supposed to teach the popular notion ,
begem \ to arimear to hi m in ad life re n t ngjbvL o L found during this visit he was making rapid * progress in what is cari&ttd heterodoxy ; and the more I knewTof him , the better I thought both af Jiis understanding an < l his heart .
u JSlrJYs first visited Wisbeach and l&ifKKttkiahire , after he had given up Galvinism , it * the year 1801 , and had orawded congregations whenever he preached . ; * No preacheT wa 9 more pdniklkr ^ in th o se parts of the country . idUs tvisit to-Wisbeach w ^ as peculiarly seasonable . S : > Tne of my most
respectfed friends in that town had beeo so alarmed by the a ^ ntirnenjta 1 ha ^ openly avowed , that they- had not d&red to come to bear me for several wnmkft though tfaoyttilI continued to
respect nae , aadwenl ta no other place a £ ' W 0 r ^ h * p ^ . !>> eir Cricndshi fk and Gbnstlan dilposioian ^ ledif ^ thein to invite Mr * V . a * my frmu 4 » to their hdtiseg , » W broughttheiay again to the
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meeting bouse . Tile excellent d « - coursfes vhekfelivered , ^ / fiich were iboth doctrinal and' practical ,. and frecpieti < t conversation vv ^ ith him , removed their prejudices , and reconciled them tfr sentiments which before gave them 3 O much alarm .
During Mr . V / s stay in Wisbeaeh , we had large parties , including jxtfr sons of different religious sentiment ^ , for the free discussion * xf subjects , aVmost every evening ; and these dbfetoui » sions w ^ ere -of great use . He had at this time given up Trinitarian is bo , but still maintained the pTe-existeafee
of Christ . On this subject he was hard pressed in argument ^ in particular as the subject nas a bearing o » the perfect suitableness of par Lordl ^ s example , the reality of his temptap tions , obedience , surlerings , and deatfy . To some qxiestions asked him , he w ^
so ingenuous as to acknowledge he could not reply . I rerneraber he said one evening , w ? hen going frora ~ & large party , ' where there had beeo itiuch free * eoitversation and debate ,
'• ' If I stay here k > itg you - will , onakera Socinian of me . ' * I can never ifcfargft the manypi easing hours we spenfciogbther , in various places , ; from whicMI derived ^ i » ueh info rm ation anxl : pro&fcrrr . Mr . iV id 1 er vi sited Wisbead * smd -Rib
parts of Liirucolnshirei adjoining ^ agpetral times , and had always large icdui ^ gregation& : his company . was rinidh sought , his conversation : niucK li& tened to , and he was higrriyvrfespjeiSted by all the friends in the different pdaces he visited . ' - >'"
It was when , on one , of his vi ^ t » to Wisbeach , in the year 180 fi , he carne forward to Boston , to asaisti an the settlement of the then newly formed Unitarian church and its xrm itister , on which occasion I arcco o ^
panied hiny , he delivered an exceJr * lent introducior ^ address , explanatotrf of the nature of a Christian church ; and the principles of Christian liberty ^ He afterw ^ ards' delivered an address to the minister , in which among otbef things he stated" whfetr . af Christian minister is not : —U ^ at he is m « fcra
successor of the apostles ; the ap 6 stlcx had no successors , their " ' office ^ nfl work was j > eculiar t& themse 1 vesr < M ^> that he is tiot a *> ambassador of Jesti * Christ ; he has unv& ^ nv ain bassaton in' the world ; ambassad'oraR hud-th % seal of mi racks to fcdersdic their ttva siQti : —th « t he is'rio »^) TQt « Wtthi >« irf
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Meligious Wistifry and Character qf the late Rev . TV . Fzdlet . 3
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1817, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2460/page/3/