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The Bishop ViKJGe * m P « ixxv . ] 4 , is Ml example , of the ma r * rrer in which any language maybe interpreted a ^ rde «* abl y to an assumed hypothesis ? Btfeu to fits translation we must object , as exhibiting a disregard to" the Hebrew
idiom . Those of our readers who are in any degree conversant with the Oriental dialects , will instantly pefcerv& ' the correctness of Mudge ' s version , " his own self shallrest quiet in plenty . " We add the first sentence of the note
of C . Rosen muller , ' * ipse , ut aftds crebrof loyuendi iisu , etiam Arabtbus recepto We copy Dr . H . ' s translation of the imndredth Psalm ; *
« c Full Chorus . 1 . Raise the loud peal to Jebovah , all the earth . 2 . Serve the Jehpva . h with gladness , And dome ioto his presence with si ^ ns
Single Voice . » . Kfiow ye that Jehovah he is God , , He made us , aad his are we ; His people and the flock of his pasture . 4 *" . Enter his gates , with confession His court * fyith > ppaise . Confess h **»} ; bless bis nao * e .
Full Chorus . iff . Tot good is Jehovah , l"o eternity is his tender kindness , And from generation " to generation is his stedfast love , " Every rea $£ i * who unites in himself the characters of the , scholar and the man of taste , Will perceive that even this translation is not unexceptionable , though it be ; less faulty than th ^ Bishop ' s yersiqn of most of the other Pfialrns * He considers thii htifidredth PValm a § trie last of a seftes of sik ^ cv . —c . X which " form / ' siys He , ** if X inbtake not , one entire ptojiheilb po ^ na /*
In contrast with . fi } i $ specimen , we nrofiwee his tranilatibri of the three ppncluding versus' of the ninetieth : P-X& * Gwre uj ^ j ^ y > in pFqportioo to ti * e :, days that thou hast afflicted us , X ^ * ycars ^ 'which we , Uave s ^ en evi l .
} C tpt ttyy iteration be displayed uqto thy servant ^ * ... And thy elory vpon tji ^ ir ctiil ( lren . ^ , i ^ tKi meisV&ii ' bf Jdnovatl our » - ! d < ifiiSeu ^ nu 9 , And thewOrVwetake in bAt ^ loHrect ¦
-- '«• •• * a- for usy ¦ •"• - - « . ' -i » ' - ¦> .. The work we talc * in hand d « thou direct /*
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Ttef > nii ^ jDT > t ^ w <^ d : ^ fc ^ mg » rl the aceofid claone of ^ ie fi ft ^ e » t ; jj , v ^ rs ^ the substitution of the t « chnicul yet vagiieY unmeaning nqijin , op ^ ra tim Aip that which ibllQAr& * ai | d the aseof ^ t ^ b » teym ^ sweet . $ « vo » r i » . % ! f ; ( r ^ -17 , no ^ t © speak of the paraphrastieal and aavbiguatvs expression , ^^ urodL' we take pit
hand ) , betray a greaterrfloye of novtlij than of accuracy . On consulting Che original , we would render the former clause of the sixteenth veree thus : ei Xet thy glorious ivork be" shewn to thy servants / ' ' - ¦ '; . " >? t ^ S , The Hebrew substantive is trhar ^ c ^
teristically employed , to describe sigHM und inirucUtQUs effects of IMtiirtQ JfOit ^ f * and he who dvwibjs ' ^ vlretlT ^ r T $ jF $$ James e s translators cfc J ^ ishdp hEorstl ^ y have given , the iusrt rendering oF ; thj first words of tue ^ vente etrtn vejse ^ should be referred io T the Sapfilem . && Lexic . Heb . of Mictoelis , pp / f 649 ii l 6 ^ O . ^ '•^• ' . *¦ ' ;
This trapslatidn of the Bo ^ t' ^ r Psalrhs I littler calculated to 4 # ssi £ r { the learner of ' 'Hebrew or Jto ggati § r scholar * of a higher standiq ** , but , ptdba ^ yv w ^ ili be acceptable to a numerous dla ' s ^ of persons whose knowledge of sacrex ! literature is very iiriperfect , jamd w ^ hosc theology consists , iti mysticisrp . ' - Hoping to derive soti ^ e assistance , m our own studies , front teadferfc 6 f a
different class , we embrace ^ &iis opjH )^ - tunity of suggesting a fe ^ Uinte ttii k inquiries on texts occurring in * the Psalms ; -. • r ^ . - . xviii . 23 . * I was al&Ov Hprlg ^ kt be | oq& hito : " ' a
30 . " As for Gojd , WiWr Witer ^ " feet . ' " ¦ r ^ - ** - In both verses the original word *® the ^ ajae i -att 4 has beei ^ weH ^ transite ^ b y MndgeK uniform . 1 It ' « properly signinei } " saya that aciite and lear ^ pjeo tc
critic ; wlwk 9 p& $ &t , rincere ^ unffir /* , anil oftipicce . z w ? holly descoted to * Of ** without any mixture of idolatry ^ nd disobedience . " In . tfa ^ ~ U > r % xi $ f : ' ^ ajf Mendelesobfi has it : ' * Jifet / i hff-Z , Ut uiigelheiit nnt ih ^ f X \ ier ^\\ y % . my heftrt is undivjdrp , with fyim . ; ^ jffliWth the
^ i very eamje f ^ pwess ^ g l ^ j ^ fW . xxv . 37 , * Esau was a cunning fa skilfnll ivunter , a man of the fields and Jacob wk ; a > Sm tti&t : ^ % IBMgi& tenfo . ^ ^ fffii ; i ^ ij f *^^ ara 8 ^ a p /< u # ma ^ as ^ ppQBed ^ to J&sa ^ &ts &to * in 4 i 6 po 8 kicm ; Um fcrt ^ JM * f «« ftlBll ^ W ^ and intriguing— -not in respect of , his
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4 ^ Review .- ^ BUhop Ifottlsfo TrartfaHor * vfrlfe Book of Psalms .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1817, page 42, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2460/page/42/