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owtn ^ narrowness our faculties , the latenes * of , our existence , and our confined situation . However , * aenste of our ignorance ought to teach «• thci ptofoundest humility : it should answer many of our objections against
Providence , and reconcile us to the orders and appointments of nature : ft instructs us to give up our affairs to the direction of higher wisdom : it should lead us to be contented with
a » y real evidence which we can procure on every subject $ and it should direct our hopes and wishes to that future world , where full day will break iu upon our souls . The tenth sermon ( from Heb . xi .
iC « . * But now they desire a better country , that is an heavenly /') is an exhortation on the subject of heavenlymkndedness . In the first place , the nature and the magnitude of that bliss which is reserved for good men in the celestial regions are contrasted with our situation in the present
world ; and an earthly-minded tern * Kr , with the contrary disposition . ext , the advantages of a heavenly temper , with respect to our present interest , are pointed out ; and , then , the particular obligations that we are under to cultivate it , as Christ ' s disciples . f
iIs it visionary , " asks this eloquent preacher , " to expect a better florid ? ? * This is what some tell us . Such infidelity is the greatest misfortune ; and those who make a boast of it , and labour to make
converts to it , deserve our scorn , as men Avho are traitors to our species . " [ To be concluded in the next No ^\
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Art . HI . —Religious Liberty Stated and Enforced , on the Principles of Scripture and Common Sense * In Six Essays . With Notes , &c . By Thomas Williams . 8 vo . pp . 228-Williams and Co .
r M ^ HE author informs us , in a pre-JL fatory advertisement , that the substance of these " Essays was origiaally delivered in the form of Lectures before the Christian Philological Society . ' This in some measure accounts
for die disappointment we felt in perusing them as Essays on Religious Liberty . They are evidently a col * lectktt < rf papers composed at different liases and on various subjects , some of them Savingonly a remote coasaeiction withtfrttofJbeli gioas Liberty , < J a » alto-
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gether , wanting that &m £ y of desiga which the title of the book seeoaa testquire . Perhaps our xeadecswiUbe&e&fc apprised of the nature of this work hj its table of contents , than by ita titLopage , which we therefore extract . •* Essay I . —On thr Principles 00 wltlcb the Christian Church is founded .
IX . — 'The Original Tferms of dmrcfe Communion . III . —The Duty of Inquiry ami the Rig l ^ t of Private Judgment and Free Discussion . IV . —The Spiritual Nature of Christ ' s Kingdom . V . —The Nature and Effects of Intole rance in Religion .
VI . —Historic Sketch of the Rise and Progress of Intolerance and Persecution . Conclusion . —Present State and Fiaal Overthrow of Popery . " By " Religious Liberty /* we tinderstand the perfect freedom of every person to adopt such religious opinions and practise such religious worship as appear to his own judgment most acceptable to God , without sustaining
from his fellow men any inconvenience or restraints on that account , provided his practice is no wise injurious to his neighbours . The justice of such a social arrangement respecting religion * is , we think , most convincingly and sufficiently proved , in an inestimable little book ( not one quarter the srze of Mr . W . ' s ) , entitled , ft A Letter on
Toleration , by John Locke , Esq ' . And we rejoice that at least in one part of the wotW , the United States o !" America , the civil government have put the theory to the test of experiment , and it has beefound of
n productive none of those mischiefs , which the ad * vocates of hoary establishments , witbl restraints and disabilities for their p rotection , have so . long denounced as inseparable from universal liberty of
nce . Our author , however , has mixed up with-this subject , the question of free communion among different sects pf Christians , and also a long detail of various instances of persecution , from
the first establishment of Christianity , down to the recent outrages suffered b y the Protestants in the South of France ; and by the aid of a great many long quotations from Dr . Owert , Mr . Robert Hall , Messrs . Fuller * Robinson , Haldane , Cobbin , and the Reports of the Comjoaitteeof the Three Denominations of DissentingMinitUPf he has contrived iq moA * * very r **
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4 S Review ~ rT * Wi&ba * n * m ReOg i&u * Liberty .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1817, page 48, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2460/page/48/