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wlftrimifefrttp suppoatfi » tet » fiea thirty Rod & * t £ 3 tbtm » & ^ per ^ ns ^ ere present . TTwa mftetiligs tave . been balden at this place , * Mfe * & 4 be ? latter of th&ai , or rather iiefore tbfebuauH ^» ^ 1 th * day took place , aiiiir-QtiHnJ&WfeB&dccx&ced which . might have feeeii attended with very serious consequences
A nuraW of persons went froia t »« grannd-tii * > a ^ U&iaultu&us manner , and manihad through the city with banners . "Tk ^ iiml * ou&rfl ^^ xomniitofced by . thejn was a 4 t % ^** oit ** i *?** d ; -ef ^ lee *** maTket , . where they { stoke into agua maker ' s shop , seized some a « &s ? , and wouad * 4 dangerously a person in Jfcke ahmx . The ace they paraded
by the Eaec&auge , where several were taken , and vent into the 'MincHries ^ where they ^ oofee into f&e bosses of several tjtm ruak « i 9 , ami ^ provided theaoseh es witt > arms . Thevap $ » e&hftife <' . of the military occasioned ;* : t * 9 sty retreat , and they very soon slid fttvfey * leaving no otl > er tr&ee . of tn « ir pas-Taptxi-Htm ? t , bc scatfcefcedr arms , which . they : UMncw dow « in their retreat . : ;
* $ "tie gOTerument papers laboured bwrd &r : » tbw ^ r ti ^ ae ti > construe tba s tumultuous warcjt * into a . preconcerted plot of insurrcgtH ^ d , and to connect it with the meeting *» ^ pjiiFields . B-ut nothing appeared . ei ^ t& 4 r ? iffc £ M { tFeiriou& examinations , or the 9 otoe ^ faent irtals of these , rioters , to coanlnr >»| fcffip auch a » . opinion ; and it wtisof mis
« t ^« 9 lt ^ ^ hasky ; proceeding : erable saHocfc ^ M * d riotous people ^ knowing ibet ^ fttaibtliey \» jm aboaty aod intendiag only % B > lj ^ r ^« y jqQtira ^ c ^ . < ^ - . . ¦ . A > fib < i HMgBfcing * in the Spa Fields wjere OQtiuittct ^ lwtt h a degree of propriety that W <)^ jbfctt&r t <> be expected ; and this has IniCftb the ^ a ^ r iu gene ral in every part of who
^ & £ i&Uig h 0 took the precaution of stgGQpfgtflftiiiiig tWir handjs by an additional aiimbtiT ^ of jpwace officers to prevent tumult : bn ^ iMs ^ ae . w appears to have be «« . an tuiorcoasaiw { precaution , as tbe persans <* s -
sembfted dispecsed theiuseUes quietly , as soon As tlfey }> ml passed their resolutions , aw 4 | pt * p ? w ^ i ^ ln ; W i nt ^ ncUt d piititione ^ The eitf oft Iiomloifc J ( j « ts takca > th «/ lead on this «» y » ttWP * ) an ^ , rmcoomiended , sunil ^ v nprch » jxtifiiagp iac ^^ p ^ rfttr boditrs ; aud ( Co nnirall has done the salrie for the coun ^ ica ^ but their calls hitherto have not been attended
with mucli success . On the whole , we aftSff tjibierve thnt , from what has been done , it ^ - ^ ide » t tha , t . t , he £ e . utiiuen £ s of the . SfHdWe ^ df ittt Hau&e Af JC < $ mmuns Are « o ^ generally diftuf ^ d , rttjat the ^ - pop ^ iiwe ^ or mob , as it ^ is ^ V<ed b ^ tfte giovtrnmeot writers , are much better informed that *—1 « - gqtK 0 ally iton ^ iicid ; and vsiiiether tl ^ eir petition ft are atttrnded co or dismissed with &tijti&Hpty jtiahy io ^| K > rtant jrc ^ u lU unvy be
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effected . jWfli sh $ iki * foscdrei , ml j * l tfe « % unless th « pe » p \ $ frre mLy * n % * HP * s * 9 bbti * ane well informejd , : it is Jjfe > V&tf * j $ oi cp ^ n ^^ those ad vanUigea < whicUi ») ge preftunAeti jt b « the effect x > r . an ^ . ext ^| i * iflH ofi £ t } ftrag& ( $ andiiftJae respectable part Qif the con > BUlnit * r € iaaia siltiat , they yfi lhhave pnly to bU *? ftJfe themselves , if measures should be adopt , e ^ 4 ^ tliat may increase u ^ teati . ^ f diituiniMung the present ferment in the country .
la tlie midst of tb « se meetiQgax ¥ ^^ efprjBfi it is some satisfaction to observe that the ^ work of charity goes on with a- coasid ^ ra ^ le degree of alacrity . All minds ^ € /« t ^> ^ deeply- / impscsssed' with t ^ o , calamity , th ^ t has befell ) en tl * e countrv , aod er « ry "wbene tire hand of betkevo ^ ouce is ope n to Mpv '\ Q&& the distresses : o £ oca ? fellcfwj Q B $ «* fe * T £# *
Whilfitvtlas is ; tbe ca ^ e , we ua * y r ^^ poa ^ lyr bope that a similar spirit may b ^ /^ u ^ lhe ^ l by those who are to decide ujion tb *< . grfi * tj questions now brought before them ^ tHa * they wifl con suit the temper i ^ sou * e dtgtm of Jttie v people , and rectify ttose abuses ^ which n *> honest man can palUate , -an ^ y which © very goqd xonn would wi ^ h t « siefe rei 3 Qoved . . - .: • • . - ¦ ^ >; o
Ir France th # p Jbave l ^ ejea deliijyQpa < tiiig on the repres eata ^ ion of th « people ^ & $ t , ^ \ V the experience of the past unhappy th » £$ seenxa to have been lost upoivUi ^ Jcn ^ i ^ dread of the people prevails , a » d they di > not consider that the lower cla&ses x > f yt )^^ present day are very different from w j ^ i they were m the tinaes of tl ) at hQrfJd > n > o « n ^ ster Lrouifi tb «; Fourteentbv . I ^ st ^ ft ^ * pC tw ^
increasing the right of SUttr ^ e ^ it havo done everyjthiog iu their v *> w eij to diuwnieJt it ; and the future ropresentative ^; iwre tQ . ii ^ chosen by a number , of peKSOBS jn <^ 0 qHH vaJent to a two hundred and ^ ftkth p « i * of the population . Still . such a ceprQ 9 itft £ a& # 3 jt will make an essential diii « rQnce in thu government of : the c © uufcry 9 , v > bmh c »^ n » H be camiedonasit w % & duringtjfeie usugrpfitikftj ot thd Bourbons . For it imjfit ever * b «
recollected that it was tht ? Bourhon dy «* sty whieh destroyed the meetings qf tb ^^ tat ^ i overthrew th e ancient cl > ecljs j ^ O ; Ubfb mo-r narrKy , and established a , miUt ^ Tyj ^ J ^ r ^ iM ^ nti ' a ; ¦ . : ¦ ;• > ¦¦ s mJ '; :.. / > : ^> . ^> - \ u jt -yiiq - - l ? hey are equally afraid / of ^ cjuri ^ tfl ^ % ^ peraoiml liberty , and . th « tr regrMl& ^^ i ^ jtesu to brin ^ . that ^ itlun > mwrQW ^^ wit ^ ! nJtfc k natural : abo > that to ^ mwfbiiwfi ^ on ^ tbe iiberfcy
of the press should appear in a very dan > gerom suVd odious light , an 4 they « T 0-prcsp ^ rin ^> tot brin ^ t ^ e ^ ne ^^ ij <; i ^ # fyn j 5 P Miifdterjthie caA ^ fdi 4 ^ ^ eiiimlj ^ . ^ Lk 4 &se ot ^ rirots ar ^ ^ o ^ ver , ! , yajux they may » neb ^ dl ' -fo ^ -v ' -tiW ? , mk mf 6 ituatian has ^ ot re abro ad , and knowledge cannot be suppressed * r rhei | i « op ^ ei h ^ k tletafli ell a bttt < lr le ^ son ^ ^ ndithey 4 i ^ Ke % 4 BQthia ^ tdt do butito remain quiet . ' ^ tie * itae » wiiltii « rivcv
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&& St <^^ fi&uMi& 40 kir * .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1817, page 62, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2460/page/62/