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; : ORIGIN At. XETTE11S: ¦*'v ; *!*2
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Untitled Article
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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; : Origin At. Xette11s: ¦*'V ; *!*2
; : ORIGIN At . XETTE 11 S : ¦*' v ; *!* 2
Untitled Article
Two Jjom the late Rev . R . Robinson , of Cambridge , to the late Rev . JDan * Taylor , ofL , ondon . Chesterton , Dec . 2 , 1786 . My Qear Sir ^ ^ t ^ t ^ trjBt favour came to hand last JL ni ^ ht at my return from Biggieswade , " where , at the ordination of JVIr . Bovvers , I \ ii \ d the p leasure of seeing Mr . Blrlew He told me of the
printing , and I desired him to inform you , with assurances of my sincere esteem , that I gave you an absolute power over my scrap . I seldom quote chapter and verse in preachings for I hsvve supposed it a loss of time , and a temptation to divert my attention from the thread of the subject in haaa . Were I to follow my ideas ,
I should always preach without quoting , and always print with it . If therefore you will please to mark Scripture in italics , and put figures in thejhargin , as you propose , 1 shall be bKliged to you . At the same time , allow me to say , 1 think your scrupulous delicacy on the subject more than
was necessary in regard to any thing of mine , which , I believe , woulcl always be improved by passing through your refining hand . Either I aiti mistaken , or your understanding is superior and sound . Your zeal for the publication gives
me animation , as it convinces me of your approbation of the work . ^ VThether your opinion be what I take it for or not , certain it is , it operates i ^ n due proportion on me ^ cco tding to the worth I set upon it , £ » ul that is hi g h , f have had similar encouragement from other places , but ,
a £ 1 propose to myself no pecuniary gain , sq . 1 shall endeavour to throw toe publication into a train , which jMj ^ pt encumber me , and yet be l ^ pi ^ te to the caus e . My plan is to Igpii' jt ^ andsomejy , that the cause or ttfe cofttempti&le Anabaptists may H | kvte ^ ehanc ^ eof being read by such Sfeft \ TpM » 8 Bi $ Tiayp our liberties and flfi » &tV ? l in thefir hands - for to us , Hkmfete , tjhe'New Testament is the n ^ Kt& ^ otf divinity , and quite W | li ^ nfiritiriiVthe practice . jPbPill ^ furp 6 sd ^ have ^^ thrown in anecdotes and entertainment , not necessary to the argument , thoiigh
Untitled Article
appending to it , of whlcriif I hap tire pleasure , when you Vy i * s liere , ^ H ^ jgi ing your approbation . * Evef " ^ # we , ^ l have been in the Alf > fhe ! VaTlies ^^ f Dauphiny , PrQvendfe , * " * Sa ^ p ^ and Piedniodt . Thence * ¥ WWs *< 4 $ eii % iv driven to Eiggles \ vade ^ to ^ ife ^" loss * Hf three days time and tny , t 4 i ^[^ r ^ f 8 r in the middle of my story , FAv ^ obliged to leave off , aud send thorrie
my books . Now have T got all tq fumble out ^ again . I hope , however , within twW or three weeks to finish this part * ^ nd then my plan is this : I intend t&
revise one sheet , and pntit it , as a sort of specimen , and to strike off eight or ten proofs , ahd no' tntirfe ; These will be piit into the hand of a friend , and along with tkera * ari .. £ & § - mate of the expenc £ of piri ' tj voJuqi ^ This friend will divide ' meiri- * - '&S
shares of ten books each , an $ wh ^ jf ever , he hath procured § ubsc ^> tj 6 fts enough to pay the , press ,, # ie vo ^ um % will l > e * printed . If ' tjjW take jc ^ p ^ you will hear from Kltp * ik ' J 0 fl manner lie will " arra ^^ V' ^ ej : fffl | S | f I know not . All I a # ^ Is , ^ l ^^ ' ^ fee work be printea , but / ip ^ otJ ^ el ^^ M by pressi ng ^ subscripti 6 n ^ si's ti ^; In <^| CT will be Wanted till the Jp fijpeW ^ cf Wgss are to be paid , and * t& $ ri t ^ nly me
value of the books ^| Ub scnr ' || d rar . It has beep , supposed ^ that it iYiitty churches would take ten eacfo , thc | expence would be clea ^^ d : ' biit this cannot be . determined befprfe ap' " JE » C 1—mate is made . . .. :
I am of opinion ,. that the ^ ork ought not to be hurried ^ but p ^ pceed leisurely , for new facts ainfj new Jight daily rise on the subject . Ignorame , malice , political manoeuvres , clerical sophistry , and party zeal liave throWn together a vast pile of n ^ a . J . eTials , true , false , doubtful , important , hnpertinent , and so on . All these are to bfe examined , assorted , arranged , and
even lies must be disposed of , or they like vipers benumbed a while will revive and poison true historical facts . The mighty mass often discotttaees me , and damps my spirits . ' W ^ bjtflly when I recollect how ready ^ pij ^ M ^ to censure and abuse the most Upri g ht intentions some- . men' stand *^ i | f& souls , who do nothing but gape atlo
Untitled Article
( 9 )
Untitled Article
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1817, page 9, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2460/page/9/