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Memoir of John Bernard Basedow * [ We insert the following interesting article of biography , in answer to the inquiry of a Correspondent , from the Supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica , Vol . II . Pt . I . pp . 147—149-Ed . ] JOHN BERNARD BASEDOW , a celebrated German writer , born
at Hamburgh , September 11 , 1723 , was the son of a hair-dresser . Ill treatment made him ^ abandon his father ' s house . A physician , in a neighbouring village , took him into his service , and shortly after persuaded him to return home to his father .
Being placed in one of the lower classes of the college of St . John , the severity of his masters rendered him harsh and violent himself . Forced to submit to a slow and rigorous method of study , he contracted a dislike to patience and regularity , which exercised a marked influence over the
whole course of his life . Poor , but intelligent , he often performed their tasks for his school-fellows , who could afford to pay for it ; and they , in return , invited him to their parties of pleasure * which contributed to those habits of irregularity by which his
health and reputation often suffered . In 1744 , Basedow went to Leipsic to study theology . He gave himself up entirely to the instructions of the professor , Crusius , and the study of philosophy . This , at first , made him sceptical in theology ; a more profound examination of the sacred
writings , and of all that relates to them , brought him back to the Christian faith ; but , in his retirement , he formed his belief after his own ideas , and it was far from orthodox . Having returned to Hamburgh , he lived there without any employment till 1749 , when M . de Quaalen , privy-counsellor
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of Hoistein , appointed him preceptor to his son . Basedow now began to apply himself to the subject of education . At first , he would not teach his pupil Latin otherwise than by talking with him in Latin ; and he wrote a dissertation on this subject , published at Kiel in 17 M , In usitata et optima honestioris Juventutis erudietidce
Methodus . In 1753 , he was chosen professor of moral philosophy and belleslettres in the academy of Soroe , in Denmark . Here he published , in 1758 , his Practical Philosophy for all Conditio 7 is 9 in two volumes ( Copenhagen and Leipsic , second edition , in 1777 ) , which contained many good
observations on education in general , and on that of girls in particular ; but he advanced in it opinions by no means consistent with Lutheran orthodoxy ; so that the Count Danweskiold , superintendant of the academy , took his place from him , and removed him to the school of exercises at Altona .
Basedow still continued to devote himself to theological studies . In 1764 , he published his Philaletkes , or New Considerations on the Truths of Religion and Reason , within the Limits of Revelation , two volumes in 8 vo . The magistrates of Altona forbade the
reading of this work . He was n , ot allowed any longer permission to print his writings at Hamburgh or Lubeck ; the communion was prohibited to him and all his family ; and the common people were on the point of atoning him . Basedow , however , who was
convinced of the truth of his opinions , displayed prodigious activity in defending them . He wrote his Methodical Instruction in Religion , and the Morality of Reason , Altona , 1764 ; his Theoretical System of sound Reason * 1765 j his Essay on Free Dogmatism , Berlin , 1766 ; his Extracts from the
History And Biography.
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^ _ ~~ No . CXLL ] SEPTEMBER , 1817 . [ Vol . XII .
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THE 8 fC .
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Vol . xii . 3 v
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/1/