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* Di \ Watts maintained one Supreme God dwelling in the human nature of Christ , which he supposes to have existed the first of all creatures . He speaks of the Logos or divine Word , as the Wisdom of God ,
and the Holy Spirit as the divine Power , or the influence and effect of it , which he says is a scriptural person , that is , spoken of figuratively in Scripture under personal characters . ' * Faweett ' s Candid Reflections , p . 10 .
From the account here given of the last of these eminent men , it may be said of him , he was not far from being * an Unitarian Christian ; and that before he died , he was Jed by his inquiries to
be completely one of that description , is rendered very probable , by recent publications respecting him , especially by the testimony of a man so cautious and of so respectable a character as Dr . Lardner .
The observation of the liberal author of the pamphlet from which I have naade the above quotation , is so just and appropriate , that I cannot refrain from inserting it . " All the explications of this doctrine , under the ancient and modern names now
mentioned , have in this one respect an equality , that they are all of them the sentiments of mere fallible men . " P . 14 . ^ To this I beg leave to add also , that the more I reflect on the difficulties
attending every species of the doctrine of the Trinity , the more grateful 1 feel to the kind Disposer of my lot , by whose gracious dispensations I have been led to the knowledge and
profession of the plain and intelligible , yet sublime and ajumajixig' doctrine of Unitarianisjii . That all who embrace , may adorn and recommend it by their tempers and conduct , is the ardent wish , in which I am sure , Sir ,
you will heartily unite , of your occasional Correspondent , T . HOWE .
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tion , and again directed it to the subject . Allow me first to correct an error in your Correspondent ' s statement . The chapel in which the exemplary #
and high-minded Mr . Peirce taught the Supremacy of the Father , is not now in the possession of the Unitarians . The congregation had declined so much , that the building and ground attached to it were latelv sold to the
Wesley an Methodists , The first edifice which was dedicated , in England , to the worship of the " One God , the Father , ' * is no longer employed in His peculiar service , t For some years before the Trinitarian controversy , Exeter had been the
theatre of warm disputes between the Presbyterians and the Episcopalians , which were first kindled by the intemperance of a Mr . Agate , who , as a contemporary says , " with a fluent tongue , a fiery zeal and a forehead
harder than his very name , ' * took every opportunity of abusing the Dissenters from the pulpit , calling their ministers " a pack of villains , " and adding , that " they took as much pains to damn men ' s souls , as Jesus Christ did to save them . " He
challenged the Dissenters to a public controversy , which was accepted by Mr . Hallett . They met , but after some conversation , the preliminaries to the discussion proposed and insisted on by Mr . Agate , were so illiberal and unfair , being apparently intended to force such answers from Mr . Hallett , as would make him amenable to the civil law , that nothing came of the conference ; but the spirit of
resent-* This name is almost constantly mi spelt , and throughout the Mon . Repos . as elsewhere , I find it generally Pierce . f This chapel was opened on the 15 th March , 1719 , and Mr . Peirce preached in it from 1 Cor . i . 13 , the first time after his
expulsion . He asserts , ( and indeed he is " an honest and true witness , " ) that he had ever exerted himself to subdue , and when this could not he , to temper the burning- * of religious animosity . This sermon is written in the spirit of one who had learnt " not to return evil for evil , but contrarywise . "
On the . death of Mr . Peirce in 1726 , the congregation proposed to invite Mr . Emlyn , who hearing * of their intentions , excused himself on accouut of his feebleness and advanced years .
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Trinitarian Controversy at Exeter . 5 % 3
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Sir , Hackney , Aug . 3 , 1817 . LONG since I intended to communicate to you a brief narration of the events which occurred at
Exeter about a century ago , in connexion with the Trinitarian controversy there . So much delayed , my purpose would have been quite forgotten , but for a hint in one of your late Numbers ( p . 386 ) , which has awakened my atten-
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 523, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/11/