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merit was kept alive , and the Dissenting clergy were thus involved in disputes with those of the Establishment , * at the moment when other discussions arose , ( to its peculiarly interesting , ) which led to the erection of our primitive Unitarian church .
As Mr . Peirce was the prominent actor in the events about to be recorded , the " source of all the evil , " the arch-heretic of his day in the west , ( an honourable title which , indeed , his unwearied pen preserved for him to the end , ) it may not be amiss to detail the progress of his religious
opinions . He tells us that he was bred up in a scheme which lie could call only Sabellianism ; but admitting the Scriptures as the only rule of faith , he was soon led to observe , in the course of his
studies , that the Ante-Nicene writers never tame up to his standard of orthodoxy , and that the fathers , since the fourth century , ( and especially Basil , ) seemed to teach the doctrine of a common nature , which he thought no less than Tritheism . These
reflections both perplexed and alarmed him , so that he determined to banish the subject from his thoughts and his conversation ; but when his friend and correspondent Mr . Whiston was accused of heretical propensities , Mr . P .
wrote to him , advocating the common opinion . In reply , he was referred to Mr . W . ' s Works in the press , the M . SS . of which he was requested to examine ; and at the same time was recommended to studv Novatian de
Trinitate , which , in consequence , he again went through , but it served only to increase his perplexity and doubt . With the auxiliary , however , of Dr . Clarke ' s " Scripture Doctrine , ' ( published ataboutthis period ) Mr . Whiston ' s Works completed the overthrow
* It is worthy of note in elucidation of the temper of the times , that the individuals who most distinguished themselves in this controversy , ( Mr . Withers , the able advocate of nan-conformity , Mr . Peirce , the shrewd historian of dissent , and Mr . Ilallett , ) were the very men who soon became
the victims of the persecuting- intolerance of Dissenting Synods . One might have hoped these exertions in favour of our common liberty , would have obtained for their conduct and their creed a generous construction , and have softened the asperity of anathematizing n < m ~ conformuts .
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of the orthodox scheme in Mr , P / s mind , after severe struggles and fervent prayers for the light of truth and the guidance of heaven . In 1713 he was chosen unanimousl y to be one of the ministers of the united congregations of Protestant Dissenters in Exeter . *
It was about 1716 when Mr . Hubert Stogtlon ( who had been a warm advocate of Trinitarianism ) , saw reason to change his opinions ; and his conversation being- one day overheard , and communicated to Mr . JLavington , + the latter chose to make it th £
subject of public crimination , and the ferment was increased to a storm in the following year , when Mr . Henry Atkins , in a most furious sermon , accused the heretical Dissenters of Exeter , with "denying the Lord that bought them . " Impatient to be acquitted of so dread
ful an accusation , and availing themselves of the reports which pointed at Mr . Peirce as one of the guilty , several of his congregation requested him to satisfy the world and them of his orthodoxy , and , in compliance with their wishes , he preached a sermon on the propitiation of Christ . Tn this
( though he defends the common opinion to a considerable extent ) , he objects to all the conclusions which suppose sin to be an infinite evil , deserving infinite punishment , because committed against an Infinite Being , ( a form of words , by the way , whose antithesis is more convincing than its argument ) .
When the spirit of inquiry is generally diffused , its progress is ^ iot only triumphant but irresistible ; and it was soon most obvious , that a great # An accusation often brought against him was , that he had been the first to introduce the u new notions" into that city , hut he declares that it had always been one of his maxims to avoid controversial
preaching-, and besides , that before his arrival , Arianism had made considerable p rogress there . •\ - This gentleman seems to have been particularly active wherever mischief was to be done . The youngest of the four Presbyterian ministers at Exeter , the least
informed and the " most assured , * ' he was the individual who led on the array of bigotry and inquisitorial bitterness against his co-pastors and fellow-citizens . There was nothing like charity to temper his zeal—nothing like candour to soften h *» anathemas .
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524 " Trinitarian Controversy at Exeter
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 524, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/12/