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change had taken place in the religious views of many , ( for discussion is the fire which purifies the ore of human opinions from the dross of error ) . Some of the strong holds of Trinitarianism were abandoned as untenable ; many rejected the € t famous text ' of John
i . v . 7 , as spurious ; * and the symptoms of " heretical pravity" were so confirmed , that Judge Price , in his charge to the grand jury at the Devon assizes , spent most of his time in haranguing them on the obnoxious errors which seemed taking so deep a root . J « B . [ To be co ? itinued . l
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Sir E . Coke against A riris . Sir , Sept . 2 nd , 1817 . T FIND an accusation against Arius , JL brought incidentally by Sir E . Coke , iu his speech , as Attorney General , " at the Arraignment of Henrv 1
Garnet , Superior of the Jesuits / in 1608 . Having charged that society with a disposition to equivocate , he thus proceeds : " Now for the antiquity of equivocation , it is indeed very old , within
little more than 300 years after Christ , used by Arius the heretic , who having iu a general council been condemned , and then by the commandment of ' Constantiiie the Emperor sent" into exile , was by the said Emperor upon instant intercession for him , and
promise of his future conformity to the Nicene faith , recalled again : who returning home , and having before craftily set down in writing his heretical belief , and put it into his bosom , -when he came into the presence of the Emperor , and had the Nicene faith
propounded unto him , and was thereupon asked , whether he then did indeed , and so constantly would hold that faith , he ( clapping his hand upon his bosom where his paper lay ) answered and vowed , that lie did , and so would constantly profess and hold
that faith , ( laying his hand on his bosom where the paper of his heresy lay ) meaning fraudently ( by the way of equivocation ) that faith of his own , which he had written and carried in his bosom . ' The Gunpowder Treason , &c . Re-printed 1679- Pp . 103 , 104 .
* Mr . Peiice says , he contended for the genuineness of this text as lon # as he could , and had been quite displeased with Bishop fiurnel for giving * it up : out at last , " Dr . Clarke wrested it from him .
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The authority for this accusation , as given in the margin , is Socrat . Hist . Mosheim ( 2 nd Ed . I . 339 ) , mentions the return of Arius , but gives no hint of his equivocation . Priestley ( Hist , ii . 63 ) , says , of his return , that " Ariua
presented a confession of his faith , and expressed his hope that as his simple faith was the doctrine of the church , and agreeable to the Scriptures , he might be readmitted into the communion , without entering into matters of doubtful disputation . " This is said on the authoritv of Socrat . Hist . JL . I .
Sect . 26 . p . 61 . One of your readers may perhaps consult Socrates ' s History on this point . Should such a charge against Arius be found there I should be inclined to suspect the information which the Historian had
received from orthodox partizans a century after the period in question . A French biographer says of him , * ' Quoiqu'il proteste qu'il s ' est donne beaueoup de peine pour s'instruire exactement de tous les faits qu'il rapii
porte , y en a neaninoins plusieurs auxquels on ne peut ajouter foi . " N . D . Hist . 1772 . V . p . 420 . But no one who has read of the past , or has looked about him , will expect an Attorney General to be scrupulous in arranging the materials of a
State-Prosecution . Jt exactly suited the purpose of Sir E . Coke to bring * forth the Jesuits in the company of heretics , so obnoxious , that , as a very few years discovered , the ignorant bigoted public were prepared , without rising in honest indignation , to see such men perish at a stake for no crime except a disbelief of the Trinity . HISTORICUS ,
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Sir E . Coke against Arius . «—Lord Nithsdale . 525
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Sir , Sept . 12 , 1817-OkF " Lord Nithsdale ' s escape , " ( p . ' 460 , ) the following account was given in 1717 : ** William Maxwell , Karl of Nithsdale , made his escape out of the Tower , February 23 , 1715-16 , dressed in a woman ' s cloak and hood ,
which since are called Nithsdales . " See pp . 137 , 138 , of " The History of the late Rebellion , by the Rev . Mr . Robert Patten . " 2 d Ed . 1717 . This divine had been chaplain to Mr .
Forster , a zealous Jacobite , but made his peace with the government in possession , by becoming an evidence for the crown . It does not appear that he had got up a plot for the Attorney General of that day . BREVIS .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 525, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/13/