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Sir , 17 th August , 1817 . IT is very desirable that the names of the writers in the Theological Repository , edited by Dr . Priestley , a work which contains so much invaJuable matter , should be preserved . I was in expectation that a similar
suggestion from one of your Correspondents , some time ago , would have been attended to , as I have no doubt that amongst the readers of your publication a complete list might easily be made out . For this purpose I have
sent you an alphabetical list of the signatures , with the names of the different writers affixed , as far as I am able to discover them , which , with your permission , I beg may be inserted in the Monthly Repository . My authorities you will find annexed . Those
SIGNATURES . VOLS . Adjutor , 6 , Ang-lo-Scotiis , 5 , 6 , Rev . Thos Fyshe Palmer . Vide Mon . Repos 1811 , p . 136 . Auxiliator , 6 , Barumensis , 2 , Rev . S . Badcock of Barn staple . * Bereanus , 3 , Dr . T . Wright . * Beryllus , 4 , Dr . Priestley . Biblicus , 4 , 5 , Ditto . Cantab rigie us is , 2 , Caii t us , 1 ,
Charistes , 2 , 3 , Rev . S . Merivale of Exeter . ? A Christian , 4 , 5 , 6 , Christophilos , 4 , 5 , Rev . J . Palmer of Macclesfield . A Memoir of him is g-iven in the last vol . of the Theol . Repos . Clemens , 1 , 3 , Dr . Priestley . Cornelius , 2 , Davides , 6 .
Dion , 1 , 2 , Discipulus , 3 , 4 , Dubliniensis , 5 , Ebionita , 4 , 5 , Dr . Priestley . Erasmus , 4 , Rev . J . Palmer . Erustus , 3 , Ereunetes , 5 . 6- Rev . R . E . Garnham of Trin . Coll . Camb
Vide Mon . Repos . 1815 , p . 15 . Eubulus , 5 , 6 , Rev . Ed . Evanson , M . A . Vide Mon . Repos . 1806 . Eiicharisticus , 2 , > Eusebius , \ 2 , 3 , llcrmas , 4 , 5 , 6 , Dr . Priestley . Idiota , 6 , Rev . R . E . Garnhaui . Vide Mon . Repos . 1815 , T > . 15 .
Inquirendo , 4 , Jodvadib , 6 , John liuncle 1 , 2 , Thomas Amory , Author of two singular works , entitled , u Lives of several Ladies of Great Britain , " and « The Life of J . Buncle , Esq . * Joscphus , 4 , C > Dr . Priestley . Liberins , 2 , 3 Ditto . A Lover of Order , 0 , Mag'nirroe , 4 , Marinds , 6 \ Matbetes , ' 5 ,
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names marked with an asterisk , (*) I found written in a copy of the TheoK Repos . which I have had an opportunity of seeing ; how far they may be correct , it is impossible for me to say ,
but I am of opinion , they will be found so , this copy having originally belonged to an Unitarian minister , now deceased . The signatures used by Dr . Priestley are given by him in Vol . III . p . 478 , and VI . 491- Those which have no name affixed to them mav be
left out or preserved at your discretion , though I think it would be as well to preserve them , as the blanks may be filled up in course of time , and the list made useful for referring to . I need not say that I shall be glad to see any thing added towards rendering it more complete . T . R » S .
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526 Names of Writers in the Theological Repository *
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 526, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/14/