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528 Reflections on Burners Travels.
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Book-Worm . No . XXV . Reflections on Burnefs Travels * Sir , Aug . Hth , 1817 . AM disposed to send you some I account of another book written against Burnet , of an earlier date , and from a very different quarter than the former . Instead of an orthodox
malcontent of his own church , the following title-page will discover a Roman Catholic opponent , sheltered under the wing of the Pope , and even launching Kis critical thunders from the Vatican .
" Reflexions on Dr . Gilbert Burnetts Travels into Switzerland , Italy , and certain parts of Germany and France , &c . Divided into five Letters . By Monsieur * * * . London , printed 1688 . 12 mo . Pp . 164 . "
A former possessor of the book has attributed it , on the title-page , to M . Schelstrate , keeper of the Vatican Library . Dr . Burnet appears to have seen him in 16 S 5 , for he speaks of
** the famous Greek manuscript of great value which the Chanoine Shelstrat , who was library-keeper , asserted to be 1400 years old . " He adds , " The passage [ 1 John v . 7 ]> is not to be found in the Vatican M . S . no more
than it is in the King ' s M . S . at St . James ' s . ' * Travels , 1737 . P . 45 . Let . I . ad fin . Emanuel de Schelstrate has no place in any English collection of lives or authors , which I have met with . A
Parisian biography has described him as Canon and Chanter of Anvers , his native place , and afterwards keeper of the Vatican Library and Canon of St . Peter ' s at Rome , where he died in 1690 . Aged 46 . Many works have been attributed to him . Those named
are , Antiquitates JEcclesice illustrates , 2 v . fol . Ecclesia Africana sub Primate Carthaginiensi , 4 to . The biographer charges both with ultramontane prejudices , referring , I apprehend , to
the questions between the retainers of the Roman court , and those who contended for the rights of the Galilean Church . Schelstrate published also Acta Constantiensis Concibii , and is said to have discovered in all his
writings more learning than critical discernment , taste or philosophy , son savoir nfaoit pas SclairS par le flambeau de la critique , du gout , et de la Philosophie . Nov . Dick Hist . Paris , 1772 .
Untitled Article
It appears by Mr . Thomas Burnet ' s Life of his Father , annexed to his Own Times , that , " in December 1684 , by an extraordinary order from the Lord Keeper North to Sir Harbottle Grimston , " Dr . Burnet ** was forbid
preaching any more in the Chapel at the Rolls . Thus , at the time of King Charles ' s death [ Feb . 1685 ] , he was happrly disengaged from all those ties which might have rendered his stay
in England any part of his duty . " Accordingly he obtained * ' leave to go out of the kingdom' * on the accession of James , *• an excellent prince / * according to the Librarian of the Vatican , who thus dilates on the favourite
theme . ** England hath been blessed with very many renowned and good princes , all whose virtues seem to concentre in him , than whom certainly none ever more promoted the safety of his people , and the glory and profit of his
whole kingdom , with so much goodness , prudence , courage and constancy . His subjects own all this , and are sensible of the bounty and magnificence of their king , yet are uncapable of taking so full a prospect as those who from foreign parts calmly view and
consider all things : even as men in a great ship , making its way to the haven through raging waves and furious tempests , being each too intent upon his own affairs , cannot so well judge of the dexterity and prudence of the pilot , as they who carefully behold all
at a due distance . So great is the reverence and renown of this prince amongst other nations , that what Scipio said of the people of Rome may be truly applicable to him ; There is no king upon earth they less desire should be their enemy K or whose friendshi p they covet more . " Pref .
What nation humbly could enjoy his reign 1 If lost ) with patience such a loss sustain ? As Young , a Courtier , even On the Last Day , sang in 1713 , of James ' s grandson , the deceased Duke of
Gloucester , a child who promised somewhat , yet never lived to perform any thing , or perhaps to shew that he had been all promise , though under the tuition of Burnet , to whose story i
return . Dr . Burnet , on leaving England , passed throughFrance into Switzerland and Italy , returning through Germany into Holland , where he soon becam e
528 Reflections On Burners Travels.
528 Reflections on Burners Travels .
Untitled Article
V . p . 324 .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 528, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/16/