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a confidant of the Prince of Orange , and took a considerable part in those political intrigues against James ' s government , which ,- being successful , could not be punished as a rebellion , bu 11 riumph ed i n a revelution . Th e i n - formation collected , during his travels , he had communicated to his friend
Mr . Robert Boyle , in five Letters . These were first printed at Rotterdam in 1686 , and soon after in England , but immediately suppressed . On the contrary , ^ this translation of the
Reflex ions , was , as might have been expected , readily encouraged . On the second page is the following Imprimatur : " March 27 , 1688 . This may be printed . Ro . L / Estrange . '
A learned foreigner , who had resided for several years , in an official capacity at Rome , was easily prepared to correct , on many occasions , the hasty remarks en p ' assant of an English
traveller , and a domestic of the Pope wotild have no desire to spare the author of * The History of the Reformation , 11 but rather to watch for his halting . M . Schelstrate has , indeed , offered several observations which ,
however unfriendly in design , might be usefully attached to Burnet ' s Travels . I shall , however , confine any farther extracts to those passages which respect the Heauoenly Witnesses . These do not appear to have found an advocate , even in the Librarian of the Vatican .
It is well known that this text was one of the " Two notable Corruptions of Scripture , " of which Sir Isaac Newton w-rote " An Historical Account , " published in the 5 th Volume of his
Works , by Horsley , p . 4 ^ 4 , and in the late Mr . Matthews ' s Recorder , II . 182 . Under S . xix . Newton says of the text , «« Dr . Gilbert Burnet has lately , in the first letter of his Travels , noted
rt wanting in five" MSS . " kept at Strasburg , Zurich and Basil ; one of which MSS . he reckons above 1000 years old , and the other four , about 800 . " The account which Dr . Burnet gave to his truly illustrious Correspondent , on that subject , is largely quoted and considered in the
following passages . In his general view of " the argument of the first letter , M . Scbefctrate says : " We must not forget a relation of ° ur author < xmdetning a passage ,
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1 Ep . John v . 7 , There are three that bear witness in Heaven , the Father , &c . Upon which account our author perused manuscript bibles among- the
Switzers and in Italy , The sum is this : in the Greek copies , which he saw-, that verse is not found , nor in many of the Latin , though 80 O or 900 years old , in some , that it was written but in another hand . That it is found
in the book of Geneva , and also in the Venetian Library of St . Mark , and in the Florentine of St . Laurence , and in one of four at Strasburg . That in all these the eighth verse is misplaced , and joined unto it by the word sicut . But he admires that it is omitted even in
those , before which St . Jerome ' s Preface is read , which defends that passage against the Arians ; and that Erasmus did not add that Preface to his edition of St . Jerome , when yet he saw it in a manuscript at Basil , and the
same is found in many more . By the way he observes , that in the Vatican Library there are no copies of the Bible above 400 years old , except a Greek one , which is accounted , but only by conjecture , to be of 1400 years * standing / ' P . 10 .
The Reflector afterwards enters into the subject more at large in the following quotations and comments . " / have taken some pains in m ? y Travels to examine all the ancient MSS of the New Testament , concerning that doubted passage of St . Johns Epistle : * There are three that bear witness in
heaven , the Father , the Word and the Spirit , and these Three are One / Bullinger doubted much of it because he found it not in an ancient Latin MS at Zurich , which seems to be about 80 O years old : for it is written in that hand , that began to be used in dharles the Great s time . I turned the MS . and
found the passage was not there , but this was certainly the error or omission of the copier . [ P . 44 . Ed . 1737 . ] " The Doctor confidently affirms , that the copier , either out of error or negligence , had omitted that doubted passage ; there are ^ Three , &c . which he found not in the ancient MS . at
Zurich , and he gives this reason for it , because before the general Epistles in that MS . the Preface of St . Jerome is to be found , in which he says , that he was the more exact in that translation , that so he might discover the
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Reflections on JEhirnefs Travels . 5 ^ 9
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> OL . XII . 3 V
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 529, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/17/