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TThe Heavenly Witnesses and Bechefs Shrine , Sir , Sept . 2 nd , 1817 . 1 H AD occasion , lately , to look into " An Index to the Sermons published since the Restoration , " 1751 . This volume contains the texts and
authors' names of the English sermons published * during about 90 years , by all denominations . It occurred to me , that I might profitably compare the attention paid to the forgery of the Heavenly Witnesses ^ with the use made
of those universally received passages which clearly teach the apostolical doctrine of the Father and of Christ ; at least in the opinion of that religious fraternity who , by leave of the sublime astronomical Christian Dr . Chalmers ,
are not yet come to nought , and with whom it would have brought no discredit on Sir Isaac Newton ' s memory to have more openly discovered his now well-known agreement . The result of my examination was the following : Three sermons had
been preached and published during that period , on 1 Cor . viii . f 3 ; Three on Ephes . iv . 6 ; Four on 1 Tim . ii . 5 : but on i John v . 7 , no less than Eleven . Nor indeed is it any subject of surprise that imposture should receive the homage due only to truth . Bishop
Burnetin " The History of the Reformation / ' says of the Shrine of Becket , who •* for SOO years was accounted one of the greatest saints in heaven , " that "in one year there was offered at Christ ' s Altar , SL 9 s . 6 d . ; but at St . Thomas ' s 8 S 2 Z . 12 * . 6 d . " I . p . 2 , 33 . VERBUM SAT .
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annexed by Dr .. Burton , to his Life of that eminent physician and pious Christian . It is entitled , Commenta-7 'iolus de JFamilia , Studiis 9 Vitce eursu , Src . propria JBoerhaavii Manu conscrtptn $ 9 et post obitum inter ejusdem MSS . repertus . The eighteenth , section to which I refer , may be thus rendered : He acknowledged the truths re * vealed in the Hebrew and Greek
originals of the Sacred Scriptures , and on them alone relied for his salvation ; taking every occasion to declare that the doctrines taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ , could alone afford tranquillity to the mind . He often expressed to his friends , that a diligent observance of the great precept of
Moses , to love God and our neighbour , was the only security of mental peace , nor , exclusive of the sacred records , could he find any satisfaction . He devoutly -worshiped the self-existent Deity , and desired to conceive of God ,, only as he had discovered himself .
Thus content , he inquired no farther * lest he should wander into idolatry . He so acquiesced in the Divine will as to maintain , that it should be implicitly obeyed , and entirely and uniformly reverenced as a paramount authority . He was accustomed to compare others with himself , so that when he heard
of criminals adjuged to capital punishment , he would often express these reflections : Who can say that they are not better than I > Or , if I am better , nothing , I freely confess , can be imputed to myself , but all must be attributed to the Divine goodness . *
a in ore Dei et horn in is , bene observato . Neque extra sacra monumenta uapiani inveniri , quod men tern serenet . Deum pius adoravit , qui est . Inteljigere de Deo unice volebat id , quod Deus de se iotellig-it . £ 0 contentus ultra nilitl requisivit , ne idololatria erraret . In voluntate Dei sic
re" Doctrinam sacris liteiis Hebraice et Greece traditam , solain aniniae salutarem et ag-novit , et sensit . Omni opportunttate profitebatur disciplinam , quam Jesus Christus ore et vita ex press it , 11 nice traftquilHtatem dare menti . Semperque dixit atnicis , pacem animi hand reperiundaiu nisi in mag-uo Mosis prcecepto de sincere
quiescebat , ut lllius nullam tmnino rationetn iudagandatn putaret . Hanc uotce supretnam omniumlegem esse eontendeb&t , deliberata constantia perfecttssime colendam . De aliis et se ipso ita > sentiebat : ut quoties crimtnis , rew ad ^ cejuas tethalti * m
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Boerhaaves Religious Opinions . 531
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Boerhaaves Religions Opinions . Sir , Clapton , Aug . 17 , 1817 . THE " saying , " which A . R . Cp . 394 ) , quotes , as uttered by " Mr .
Bradbury , when he saw any one carried to execution , " has been frequently attributed to the martyr John Bradfor d , probably on the authority of Fox . I suspect that your Correspondent has mistaken the name .
It is a sentiment , which , however variously expressed , must be common to those . who justly apprehend their condition as creatures of an Almighty Creator , who is all in all . I find it , in nearly the terms quoted by A . R . &t the close of a passage in the short account of * Boerhaave , in Latin , written by himself iu the third person , and
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 531, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/19/