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Old * nrf N& # Testament , ablins liWy m ^ tncmr of < &e ITVm J * <^< Mt * $£ < mittf in the Same year . The last of these works he particularly valued himself upon , because he there founds the evidence of Christianity chiefly on its Moral purity . In these , apd other
works , he , however , maintained several heterodox opinions ; as the noneternity of future punishments , — . the inequality of the three Persons of the Trinity , — the insufficiency of the atonement for our sins by the death of Jesus Christ , &c . Constantly persecuted in his theological career , he would have fallen the victim of his
incautious zeal , if the Count de Bernstoflf , minister of state , and J . A . Cramer , another officer of the court of Copenhagen , had not taken him under their protection . He left oft g iving Jessons , without losing his salary ; and , towards the end of 1767 , lie abandoned theology to devote himself with the same ardour to
education , of which he conceived the project of a general reform in Germany . He began by publishing An Address to the Friends of Humanity , and to Persons in Power , on Schools , on
Education , and its Influence on public Happiness , with the Plan of an Elementary Treatise on human Knowledge , Hamburgh , 1768 . He proposed the refprm of schools , of the common methods of instruction , the establishment of an
institute for qualifying teachers - > and solicited subscriptions for the printing of his Elementary work , wfiere his principles were to be explained at length , and accompanied with platejs . For this object , he required 5050 crowns . The subscriptions presently mounted up to 15 , 000 crowns : the
Empress of Russia , Catherine II . sent a thousand crowns , the King of Denmark nine hundred . In 177 O > appeared at Altbna , the first volume of hitf Method for Fathers and Mothers of Families , and for the Chiefs of the People ; an , d six months after , the th ree fi rst parts of his Elementary "Treatise , in
8 vo . with 54 plates . This work , which was praised in all the journals , was translated into French by Huber , and hito Latin by Mangelsdorf , but Scblpzer , in the German translation of the Essay on National Education , foy M- de la Chalotais , accused Jrjasedow of having omitted iti his plan
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, various hra *> ehes # f science , and of having % ad kk tffcw oii&y a pecuniary speculation . Basedow , in despair , offered to return the price of his book to those who were not satisfied with it . Only one man , a Swiss , demanded his subscription . Encouraged by the success of the Treatise , our author
continued to write other works on the same subject , and on the same principles ; ' among others , his Treatise 071 Arithmetic , 1773 , and Elements of pure Mathematics 1772 | 3 is Agathocrator
, . , or the Education of TectcK&rs to come , 1771 , procured him a medal from the Emperor Joseph f I . ; and the visits which he made to Brunswick , to Leipsic , Dessau , Berlin , and Halle , to
inquire into the state of public instruction , having enabled him to enlarge and correct his ideas , and convinced him that his Elementary tvorJt contained many erroneous and hasty assertions , he published a new atid improved edition of this work in 1774 .
The same year , he published his Legacy for Consciences , or Manual of Natural and Revealed Religion ; a work which he composed in order to make known the real state of his religious opinions , and to clear himself from the imputation of wishing to found a new sect . In his travels , he had been well
received by th * e Prince of A nbalt-Dessau , who promised him his protection . From that time , he had resolved to establish an institute for education at Dessuu , and to apply Ms principles himself in forming dfosciples ^ who might
spread fhem over all Gerinany . Little calculated , by nature or habit , to succeed in an employment which requires the greatest regularity , patience and attention , he , however , engaged iu this new project with all his accustomed ardour . The name of
Philanthropinon appeared to him the most expressive of his views ; and he pub * lished at Leipsic in 1774 a pamphlet , entitled , The Philanthropinon founded at Dessau , containing the details of his plan . He immediately set about
carrying it into execution - but he had few scholars , and the success by no means answered his hopes . The institution , badly managed , became the theatre of the quarreffc between Base-# ow and the masters who taught in it under his direction . The * agsistance of tfie celebrated Campe , a journal
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514 Memoir of John Bernard Basedow .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 514, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/2/