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Such was the Christian self-abasement and the unsystematic theology of Boerhaave , who does not appear to have been so ready to *• follow the
great wheel of the church , as our learned physfcian , Sir Thomas Brown , in Heligio Medici , perhaps , ne idololatria erraret . It is , however , remarkable that Boerhaave ' s summary of faith would have exactl y suited a Lardner ,
a Lindsey or any Christian who worshiped one ( rod and Father of ally according to apostolic authority , and believed in the Man Christ Jesus , who was sanctified and sent into the world , to declare , but in no sense whatever to purchase the Divine mercy to the penitent . J . T . R . Sep . 6 * , 1817 .
P . S . I have been attracted , m your last Number , to the interesting account from Clifton , ( p . 481 , ) respecting the new opinions in theology , entertained by a justly respected
membet of Boerh a a ve ' s profession . Every dis 3 entient from those opinions , amongyour readers , ought to thank you for having preserved that letter . A wellinformed Christiap , under such
circumstances , resorting or returning to Calvinism , is a case which has occurred , and may be e& pee ted to occur , so rarely , that , I have no doubt , the lettet will be long quoted as describing a ; theological phenomenon . The late religious associates of the writer must
regret the separation , but 1 am such tin optimist , as to expect no small advantage froih his secession . That gentleman must be well aware of { he strange misrepresentations , and uncharitable censures which liis new
friends have been accustomed to indulge towards his former associates . Prejudices against them , so unjustly excited , he has too much knowledge , and too strict an integrity , not to counteract ; and should his example
encourage his new friends to peruse the writings which have lately failed to satisfy him , there can be no reasonable apprehension , amon ^ his former associates , for the general result . * JFhe letter-writer ' s expectation * cf
damn at 08 audiret , semper cog-itaret , sscpe diceret : quis dixerit , au noji me sinl Uieliores * Utique si ipse melior id non inihi auctori tribttendtitn esse palain aio , confiteor ; Bed tta largienti Deo / 1 —Life * App > p . 2 * 0 . '
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being ridiculed for such a change , " is , I am persuaded , quite unfounded . With feelings , far estranged from the
levity which would encourage ridicule , must his former associates , at feast , contemplate the case of a Christian brother , losing sight of the pateimal character of a God , who is good to all , as Christ and his followers have so
fully declared him . . And what m . deed is offered in exchange for this ftljal reliance , unless it be the selfish Jiope to share in an exclusive favouritism * which may well consist with the character of an Almighty tyrant , for such , after all the palliations which can be offered , is the God of Calvinism 1
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532 On the System of Malthus .
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On the System of Maltfeus * No . ll r-. r . -, i-t ^ Si $ , Temple 9 Sept , & , < 1 H 17-IN the former article ,-5 pa . this subject , [ p . 471 , ] I co 4 > fi ?* ed myself , for the most part , to ; an otjjpotion to the calculation of Malth ^ respecting
, the tendency of the species to mujtiply . 1 endeavoured to sh ^ ew , th ^» the subject itself cannot properly Ife estimated by the means whjch ne na ^ thought jproper to adopt * But , Jhe % & , J will suppose the heart and aflpeetk >« s of man to be within tlie reac ; lj | of his
arithmetical reasonings , ifi wdar to shew , on his own pri » $ iple $ , the fallacy of those deduct jo * is ,. which would deprive individuals of pr ^ sept jey and the worj 4 of future Ijqpe .. : In his prodigious c ^ lcujat i ^ n of the possible increase of thie species , Mr . Malthus supposes not pujy the removal of the most formidable obstacles
to its progress , but the most favourable situation which we can imagine . In short , he depicts a s ^ ate of society whicji , according tp his own doctrines , could n ^ t ppssi bly continue . . He supposes , for his purpose , the nullity of
his own conclusions . . He estimates nothing bvit the natural power of the species to increase , unopposed by want of space or of food , unchecked by misery or vice , undestroyed by disease * accident or war . But when
he comes to oppose to this astonishing progression , the possible increase of the means of subsistence for this stupendous population , he takes into account nothing but that which may easily happen . Time , space and circumstance , are immediately considered in making the estimate . In short , the
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 532, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/20/