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found ( notwithstanding the vague limits which were placed by this statute ) , to be by do means a dead letter . In the 17 Elizabeth , two Anabaptists , and , in the 9 James I . two impugners of the doctrine of the Trinity y suffered under the writ de hseretico
comtaurendo . It may be proper to notice two cases which occurred at this period , and which appear to have been attempts to establish in effect a sort of
temporal jurisdiction over heresy , by considering the maintenance of heretical opinions , under the light of a breach of the peace 3 they can hardly be considered , however , as
establishing any principle , particularly under the circumstances of the cases and tbe time of their occurrence . The one was before the Star-chamber , and the other seems to have been much doubted , and to have had the opiniou
of the court and > even the Attorney General against it , and in both , the courts took special care to decide upon the principle of the seditious ^ nd inflammatory tendency towards a breach of the peace , of which , of course , a jury would always be the judge .
The first is Atwood ' case , 15 Jas . I . Cro . Jac . 421 . It was error brought by him to reverse a judgment s upon an indictment before Justices of the Peace , for scandalous words : •* That the religion now professed was a new religion , preaching was but prattling , "
&c . The error assigned was , that the offence was- not inquirable bt / indi& ~ ment 9 and before Justices of the Peace , but only before the High Commissioners . It was referred to tbe Attorney General to inquire if the offence was
inquirable there , and he certified that it was not , and of that opinion , it is sai < J , was the court , but they would inquire . From £ Roll . 78 , it appears , however , that , by some means , the opinion of the court altered * and considered the words as scandalous and
indictable , not , however , for their religious tendency , but as a breach of thejpeace-The other case was Traske ' s case , ( JHob . 236 , ) in the Star-chamber , for
maintaining Judaisaing opinions , " being called ore ternis , ; he was sentenced to fine and imprisonment , not for holding those opinions , ( for those were eawnwnable in the Ecclesiastical Courts , notJiere , j ) -but for making -Qf conven-
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ticles and factions , by that means which may tend to sedition and commotion , and for scandalizing the King , the Bishops , " &c .
The next important change in the law of heresy was made by the 29 Gar . II . c . 9 , by which the writ de haeretico comburendo , was abolished , and the offence was subjected only to ecclesiastical censures , pro salute animae , and all harassing with temporal penalties was put an end to . Such censures , however , were not to be
regarded as a trifling punishment upon the offender if put in full force , and toleration of diversity of opinion was still very incomplete . The stat . of 1 William and Mary , c . i 8 , made for the purpose of giving " some ease to scrupulous consciences , "
effected very little difference in the condition of persons who wished to think for themselves in religious matters . Freedom of opinion and the right of private judgment , seem to have been as little understood , or rather as much deprecated by
Dissenters as Churchmen ; and , accordingly , the Toleration Act did little more than enable good Churchmen , in point of doctrine , to dissent from the government and ordinances of the church , and required a subscription to all the doctrinal articles of its faith *
expressly providing , that persons Who impugned the doctrine of the Trinity should not be considered a& taking any relief under it . It , however , provided , that as far as it permitted diversity of faith and worship , the ecclesiastical courts should not interfere
with any prosecutions . The exception of impu . gners of the Trinity from the benefits of this toleration , and the censure /* of the ecclesiastical courts to which they were left exposed , were still not considered sufficient to repress this heresy , " very
prevalent , " as Blackstone says , *« in modern times $ " and the stat . of the 9 and 10 \ Villiam III . c . 32 , was passed , which once more revived the temporal jurisdiction over this species of heresy , and imposed very heavy
penalties against all itnpugners of the doctrine of tbe Holy Trinity , who were made indictable under it , in the King ' s Courts ; which seem , in th } ls instance , as observed by Blackstone , in the case of 9 , Hen . V . c . 7 , to have gained not an exclusive but a concur *
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On Religious Offences indictable id Common Law . 5 SQ
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 539, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/27/