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respect , in which it is , at the same time , in the eye of the law , a crime . " An opinion contrary to this has , however , " been sustained bv
considerable authority , and particularly by Blackstone , who says , " that the crime of noii-conformitv is bv do means abrogated . " Baron Perrott , in Evans ' s case , in opposition to all the other judges , contended , that the toleration act amounted to nothing more than
an exemption from the peualties of certain laws then particularly mentioned ; an opinion which has been most extraordinarily revived by the present . Lord Chancellor , and expressed in the same words , only a few clays ago , in the case of the Attorney Genera ] , on the relation of Maunder
v . Pearson , reported in your July Number . But this opinion has never been adopted in practice , and , on the contrary , it has been repeatedly decided by the unanimous judgment of judges and parliament , " that the toleration act removed the crime , as well -js the penalty of n on-conformity . "
The whole subject has been ably commented upon , and enforced by Dr . Furneaux , in his Letters to Blackstone . Under this head , then , there can be no doubt that , as Dissenters ,
impugners of the doctrine of the Trinity stand , in common with the rest of their brethren , clear , not only of penalty , but of crime in the eye of the law , and protected as amply in the exercise of
their worship as others ; and on this part of the subject it will , therefore , be manifest , not only that this class of Dissenters are unaffected by any common Jaw , or statute offence as
nonconformists , but that if they are protected and their worship established under the provisions and restrictions of express statutes , as tiiey undoubtedly are , that circumstance will furnish strong additional ground to contend that the law , when it placed
them in that situation and repealed all express enactment against them , could not mean to consider them as indictable at common law for the expression of opinions , in the free exercise of Vhich they are sanctioned and protected
There are some other offences which are also to be classed under this head , created by statutes still in force for
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the protection of the worship of the Established Church , particularly the 1 Eliz . c . 2 , which prohibits railing attacks on the Common Prayer Book : to
which protection ( when the point of an establishment of a particular religion and form of worship is conceded ) , there does not seem much objection , and it appears to me , therefore , that Blackstone has not at all merited the
censure that has been lavished upon him for his defence of this statute . 3 . We come to the head of Offences against God and Religion in
general , which are the only offences indictable at common law , and under which head , therefore , as we have seen , must be included the impugning the doc-trine of the Trinity , if it is to be consiuered as an offence at common
law . In the first place , it will be expedient to look at the description or definition of this offence , as given by our text writers , in order to ascertain as well as we can , some principle on which this branch of common law
jurisdiction proceeds . vve shall then investigate the different cases on the subject , to discover how far they establish it , and from thence our way will be clear to see whether the simple impugning of the doctrine of the Trinity comes within that principle , and the cases on which it is founded .
It may be proper first , however , to observe , that this branch of the common law , although depending on a very ancient principle of interference , viz . the breach of the peace , is of
comparatively modern date in practice : and on the subject , our old law books are therefore perfectly silentthe cognizance of the offence having , in fact , till of late resided in the ecclesiastical courts onlv , to which , as far
as regarded the expression of opinion on religious subjects , it undoubtedly exclusively belonged ; and we shall accordingly find , that when the common law jurisdiction began to be enforced , the ground on which the temporal courts took up the offence , was
much debated , and the boundary of their authority laid down with considerable- precision . Hawkins { Pleas of the * Yown , cli . 5 ) , thus enumerates the offences of this kind . 1 . " All blasphemies against God , as denying his being or providence , and all contumelious reproaches of Jeaus Christ /'
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On Religious Offences indictable at Common Law . 541
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 541, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/29/