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points , thus much is certain : either there is or there is not a God : there is or there is not a revelation : man either is or is not an agent : the soul is or is not immortal . If the negatives are not sure , the affirmatives are
possible If the negatives are improbable , the affirmatives are probable . In proportion as any of your ingenious men finds himself unable to prove any one of these negatives , he hath grounds to suspect he ma ) be mistaken . A Minute Philosopher , therefore , that would
act a consistent part , should have the diffidence , the modesty and the timidity , as vwlJ as the doubts of a Sceptic ; not pretend to an ocean of light , and then lead us to an abyss of darkness . If I have any notion of ridicule , this
is most ridiculous . But your ridiculing what , for ought you know , may be true , I can make no sense of . It is neither acting as a wise man with regard to your own interest , nor as a good man with regard to that of your country .
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No . CCCX 1 V . Recantation . Hearne , the antiquarian , having edited a work of DodwelFs , which , in the judgment of the' heads of houses of the university of Oxford , contained many heretical positions ,
they suppressed the book , and urged the editor to retract , which he absolutely refused . In relating the circumstances to a friend , he adds as follows : . *• Indeed if I had been prevailed with
to have written any thing to signify my sorrow , it should have been only in some such form as this : — " I # Thomas Hearne , A . M . of the University of Oxford , having ever rince my matriculation , followed my
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studies with as much application as I have been capable of , and having published several books for the honour and credit of learning , and for the reputation 'of the aforesaid university , am very sorry that by my declinin g to say any thing but what 1 knew to
be true , and particularly in the last book I published , intituled , Henrici Dodwelli de Parma Equestri Woodwardiana Dissertatio , fyc . I should incur the displeasure of the heads of houses ;
and as a token of my sorrow for their being ofFended at truth , 1 subscribe niy name to this paper , and permit them to make what use of it they please . Tho . Hearne . "
Although the University did all in their power to . suppress the book , it appears that a considerable part of the impression was circulated .
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No . CCCXVA Diplomatic Difficulty , In 1600 , Queen Elizabeth ' s Commissioners met at Bayonne those of France , Spain , and the Archduke , to treat of a general Peace . " Having now shewed their credential letters ,
on both sides , the Spauiaids excepted in those of the Queen ' s against the epithet of most illustrious in the Archduke ' s title , who being descended , as they said , of sacred Emperors , and being son-in-law and brother to two Kings of Spain , the husband and head
of the most serene Infanta Isabella , eldest daughter of Spain , was honoured by all princes with the title of most serene . When the English shewed that an archduke was not to be equalled
to a king in title , and that no other title than most illustrious was given in antient treaties to the Archduke Philip , father to Charles the Fifth ; the Spaniards answered , that it was no marvel if the title of most illustrious were
given in that age to the Archduke Philip , seeing no other was given in the same treaty to King Henry the Eighth / ' The English Commissioners were wise enough to concede the important point , " the title of most serene being duly inserted in the Queen ' s commission , as often as the Archduke ' s name was mentioned /* Camderis Hist . Q . Eliz : * 3 d Ed . p . 587 .
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No . CCCXITI . Moral Maxim of Confucius . Reason ( says Bishop Berkeley ) is the same , and rightly applied will lead to the same conclusions , in all times and places . Socrates , two thousand years ago , seems to have reasoned himself into the same notion of a God
which is entertained by the philosophers of our days . And the remark of Confucius , That a man should guard in his youth against lust , in manhood against faction , and in old age against covetousnessf is as current morality in Europe as in China .
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54 B Gleanings *
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 548, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/36/