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2 . Who g-ave the winds their course to know ? The ocean tides to ebb and flow ? And day aud night preserve their bounds , And changing- seasons know their rounds ? 3 . Could man conceive the vast design ? Could he the strand machine combine ? Stretch his weak hands from pole to pole , And bid them on their centre roll ? 4 . Could man , with all his skill , compose The humblest blade of grass that grows ? Or at his will oidaiu to be The meanest insect that we see ? 5 . 'Twas God who gave cieation birth , Who form / d this wondrous globe of earth , And breath'd throughout the mighty whole , The likeness of a living * soul . 6 . Bow then to God , O all that live / To God eternal praises give ! Who fashion'd by his mighty hand , Sun , moon and stars , and sea and land . " With the hymn that we shnll next transcribe we first met in a recent collection made at Exeter , to which it was an original communication : it is highly pleasing and
instructive" 89 . L . M . The love of Christ to men . 1 . See how he lov'd , exclaim'd the Jews , * When Jesus o ' er his Lazarus wept : My grateful heart the words shall use , While on his Jife my eye is kept . 2 . See how he lov'd , who travelled on , Teaching the doctrine from the skies ; Who bade disease and pain be gone , And calFd the sleeping dead to rise . 3 . See how he lov'd , who firm yet mild , Patient endurM the scoffing tongue ; Who , oft provok'd , yet ne ' er revil'd , Nor did his greatest foe a wrong-. 4 . See how he lov'd , who never shrank From toil or danger , pain or death-Who all the cup of sorrow drank , And meekly yielded up his breath . 5 . See how he tov'd , who died for man , Who labour ed thus , and thus endur'd , To finish the all-gracious plan , Which life and heav ' u to man secured . 6 . And shall such love not meet return ? Not prompt the conduct , move the breast ? Shall not our grateful bosoms burn , To prove our love by every test ?
* John xi . 30 .
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Art . II . —An Inquiry into the Nature of Heyievolence , chiefly with a View to elucidate the Principles of the Poor Laws , and to shew their Immoral Tendency . By J . E . Bicheno , F . JL . S . 8 vo . pp . 150 . Hunter , 1817 . rTlHIS is a sensible and well-written M pamphlet , on a subject which becomes every day of more interest to Englishmen . The burden of the poor is next to the National Debt , the greatest hindrance to national pros-
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7 . Yes , our great master will we love , Who every genVons feeling" knew His faithful followers ever prove , And keep his pattern still in view . " It would gratify us to place before our readers a few others of those poetical compositions in this volume with which they are unacquainted , and which strongly claim their notice . Fe ' irful however of disproportionatel y extruding the present article of review , we confine ourselves to a single further extract : " 159 . P . M .
Gratitude to benefactors . 1 . Dark is the sky when day retires , And clouds obscure the glowing * tires That glitter through the night : But darker is the youthful mind , That never yet the sun could find Of learning ' s purer light . 2 . How then shall I my thanks express To those whose cares have deign'd to bless My inexperienced youth ; To guard me lest my steps should stray , To point out wisdom ' s arduous way , And clear the path to truth ? 3 . Had they not stoop'd my youth to save , Who knows but in the dangerous wave , Of vice I had been lost ? No helper near , no faithful friend , In time a needful hand to lend , Abandon ed , scorn'd and lost . 4 . Then I'll intreat the God of love , That lie his blessing's from above , Would shower upon them all y And more my gratitude to shew , Whate ' er they teach IT 1 strive to know , Aud follow as they call . " We heartily wish , and confidently hope , that this little volume may obtain a wide circulation : and to the editor we shall owe yet greater obligations if he will publish the selection of which he speaks towards the conclusion of his preface . -MO ^^ BB ^——
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558 Review . —Bicheno on the Poor Laws .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 552, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/40/