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perity and the most alarming symptom in the body politic . Any writer who points out the means of mitigating the evil , ( its removal is out of the question for half a century at least , )
or who prepares the way for this being . done by tracing it up to its beginnings and exposing its principles , is entitled to the thanks of the community . Such a writer is Mr . Bicheuo . He examines
the legislative enactments with regard to the poor , and shews that they are founded on these four principles : " I . Almsgiving is an absolute duty , without regard to the character of its objects . II . Every human being , unable to labour , has a right to suste-
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1817 , Jan . 11 , the Rev . Timothy Dwight , D . D . President and Professor of Divinity of Yale College , in the United States of America . He was born at Northampton , in the state of Massachusetts , May 1752 . He took the degree of bachelor of arts in 1769 , at the age of seventeen . At the commencement of 1771 , he was
elected a tutor of the college , the duties of which station he discharged , for six years , with great fidelity and success . Soon after leaving college , he accepted an offer made him to enter the American army as chaplain ; and served in this capacity , in the division commanded by General Putnam . The ease with which he conformed to the
habits of a camp , and the facility with which he seized upon the manner best calculated to attract attention , and to secure the object of his official performances , is strongly exhibited in a discourse which he delivered in the American camp , on a day of public thanksgiving for the surrender of
General Burgoyne . At the close of the revolutionary war , there were many questions deeply interesting to individuals and to the community , which came before the state legislatures ; and especially in Massachusetts , where
the revolution began . At this difficult time , Mr . Dwight was chosen to represent the town of Northampton , in the General Court at Boston . In the year 1785 , he published an epic poem in eleven books , entitled , " The
Conquest of Cunaan" In the year ! 7 Q 4 , he published Greenfield Hill—
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nance . HI . Every human being , able and willing to labour , has a right to receive employment , or the wages of labour . IV . The virtue of charity is capable of being enforced by legislative authority . "
All these principles he disputes , and concludes , that whilst the legislature continues to act upon them , € < the system will only proceed to a consummation of national ruin . "
The author is a disciple of Mr . Malthus , and we apprehend that the times have made and are making thinking men converts to the doctrine of that able but startling reasoner .
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a poem in seven parts . The subject of this poem seems to have been suggested by the situation of the writer . The village of Greenfield is situated on a pleasant and beautiful eminence , affording an extensive prospect of the surrounding country , and Long Island
Sound . The landscape , therefore , is the principal subject of the first part of the poem . The happy condition of the inhabitants is the subject of the second , and was intended as a general description of the towns and villages of New England . It was the intention of the author to exhibit , the
blessings which now from an equal division of property , and a general competence . He has here pourtrayed a state of society and manners , to which , it is well known , he was ardently attached . The other subjects of the poem are : —the burning of
Fairfield by the British in the revolutionary war ;—the destruction of the Pequods , a warlike race of Indians ;—the clergyman ' s advice to the villagers ;—the farmer ' s advice to the villagers ;—and the Vision , or prospect of the future happiness of America .
While Dr . Dwight resided at Greenfield , hLs reputation as a preacher , and as a man of literature and splendid talents , was constantly increasing and extending . As a preacher , at this extending . As a preacher , at this
time he was especially distinguished for the clearness of his thoughts , for the copiousness and elegance of his diction , and for the distinctness and fervour of his elocution . On the death of President Stiles , in May 1795 , the
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Obituary *—Rev . Timothy Dwight , D . D . 553
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 553, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/41/