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public attention was immediately turned towards Mr . Dwight as his successor . He was accordingly elected to the presidency of Yale College , at the first meeting of the corporation $ and inducted into office the succeeding
September . Dr . Dwight did not disappoint the expectations of hisfriends . Under his superintendence the College soon besran to flourish bevond all former example ; and perhaps its reputation was never more extensive than at the time of his death . As
President , it was his duty to superintend all the general interests of the college j which , in so large an establishment , demanded no inconsiderable portion of his time and attention . He likewise took upon himself the whole instruction of the senior class
in rhetoric , logic , metaphysics and ethics , —heard two disputations each week , and once , each during * the same period , gave the class an informal lecture on the first principles of theology . As Professor of Divinity , it was his custom to deliver , in the forenoon of each sabbath , a discourse
forming part of a general system of theological science , —which it usually took four years to complete - , and , io the afternoon , a discourse on some miscellaneous subject , such as he judged the circumstances of his audience to require . In addition to this , be had under his care and instruction a
< : lass of graduates , pursning the study of theology , with professional views .
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daughter , to the writer of this article in the country , it is feelingly observed : " He was perfectly sensible to the last hour , and though for the last week his sufferings in his stomach with the oppression oh his breath were dreadfully
severe , he went off very calmly ; he had long anticipated what to him has been a happy release from suffering , and we can never forget the example nor cease to lament the loss of so excellent a parent . " His remains were intered bv the Rev . Thomas
Morgav , in that vast and crowded recep tacJe of the dead , Bunhill Ftekfs . Islington , Auy . 18 th , 1817 . J . E
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554 Obituary . —MK W . Cotes . —Lieut . D . Youfig . —Mr . M&td . —Mr . Winder .
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Lieut , D . You 7 ig . Aug . 20 th , atPoole , in the 23 rd year of his age , ]_ ieut . David Young , of His Majesty ' s Royal Marines . This young officer was at the burnkig of Washington , in the late American war . He came home an invalid , having had the misfortune to break a
blood vessel , which is supposed to have laid the foundation of a pulmonary disease that finally terminated in his death . He was interred on the Sunday evening after his death in the burial ground belonging to the Unitarian Meeting , in Poole : and a
sermon from Prov . xxvii . 1 , was delivered on the occasion ., by Mr . Bennett , to a numerous congregation , supposed to consist of from ten to twelve hundred persons . The meeting-house , though large , was so full that numbers of people went away without being able to get in .
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Sunday , Sept . 21 st , after a short but severe disease , Mr . Georgf Mead , of Hdl / ericat / p JSssecc , aged 66 years , lie was deservedly beloved by his
ftunily , esteemed by his acquaintance , and respected by his neighbours . Pte was equally characterized by a solid judgment and an affectionate heart . His Christian walk was . unostentatious
but he possessed and exemplified tho principles and feelings-of a faithful follower of Jesus Christ the Righteous .
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^ m ^*~—^ A ddition to the Obituary of Mr . Windert ( p . 490 ) being the conclusion of the Discourse on occasion-of his death , hy Mr . Luke Kirby . Mr . Winder died Jn iy 31 st , 1817 , aged 45 years . The distinction of a funeral sermon from any other is umitUy this , that it
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July 12 th , in the 71 st year of his age , Mr . William Cotes , silk weaver , Spitalficlds . The gout , that cruel and inexorable disease to Which he fell a martyr , had for many years past assailed his bodily frame , so that his protracted sufferings were aggravated and severe : but he bore his
affliction witli the fortitude of a man and with the resignation of a Christian . Since the decease of the Ret . Hugh Worthington , he had attended the ministry of the Rev . John JKvans , Worship-street , Moorfields 9 who had loner known and esteemed
him . His afflicted widow and family , who were most assiduously attentive to the alleviation of his sufferings , and who wer £ best acquainted with his virtues , affectionately revere bis memor ^ y . lu the communication of the intelligence of his death , by his eldest
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 554, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/42/