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disgusted with their extravagant conduct and absurd notions , have run into the opposite extreme , and negleeted it altogether . Indeed , it seems to have been one part of the rage of Unitarians * if I may so express myself , to reject as ridiculous and irrational , almost every thing" peculiar to those
who have professed a creed diametrically opposite to their own . And need we be ashamed of acknowledging that we have erred in this respect ? A return to the old method of per ^ forming the ceremony is not at all desirable . The much-improved plan of modern settlement-services seems to
have taken the place of the authorita ^ tive system of ordination with imposition of hands , Sec . There are some important advantages to be derived from that service , when conducted in
so truly enlightened a manner as those at Bradford , Elland and Thorne . The particulars of the two former have already appeared before your readers j * and of the latter I shall now give you some account . The circumstances of
the Thorne Society are too well known to the public to need any explanation in this place . They unanimously invited the Rev . John Gaskell , A . M . late of the college , Glasgow , to undertake the pastoral office amongst them , and , on occasion of his settlement , appointed a public religious service , June 12 th .
The Rev . Richard Astley , of Halifax * introduced the solemn services of the day by prayer and reading appropriate parts of the Scriptures . Mr . Martin Simpson , then , in a brief address , stated , in behalf of the congregation , the reasons which induced
them to request Mr . Gaskell to become their stated minister . This address was followed by a statement of Mr . O . ' s views , in entering on the ministerial office , and more particularly in complying with - the request of the people at Thorne . On the remainder
of this service , the writer of this could expatiate with pleasure , but must content himself with observing , that the Rev . Charles Wellbeloved , theological tutor of the Manchester College , York , addressed a discourse to Mr . Gaskell , from 1 Tim iv . 16 , the intrinsic excellence of which , joined with the
* Vide Mon . Repos . VIII . pp . 687 , 688 , X . pp . 594—596 .
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warm and affectionate manner in which it was delivered , will secure it a lasting place in the hearts of those who heard it . He also offered up the second prayer . The Rev . Nathaniel Philipps , D . D . of Sheffield , delivered
a discourse to the people , from -Phil , i . 27 , 28 , which was distinguished for the bold , manly and independent tone in which it recommended the people to strive for the faith of the gospel , and to defend its simple uncorrupted truths before men . The Rev . P .
Wright , of Stannington , near Sheffield , delivered the concluding prayer . The company afterwards dined together , ( Mr . Gaskell in the Chair , ) and filled up the afternoon by the rational , cheerful and free interchange of ideas . From the prevailing sentiments which were given , might be inferred the cordial interest and
sincere pleasure which the meeting felt in the prospects of the Thorne Society and of Unitarians in general . Mr . Simpson mentioned an error which had obtained some publicity respecting himself , which it is but justice to mention in this place . It
had been stated by Mr . R . Wright , in the account of the Thorne Society , published in the Appendix to T ) r . Philipps' Sermon * on the opening of the chapel , that ** avowed unbeliever came to hear him preach . " It appears that the spirit of opposition to every departure from the orthodox faith ,
was at that tune so strong in the neighbourhood , that the gentleman in question was stigmatized by his adversaries , whilst pursuing his inquiries after truth , as an unbeliever ; and hence appears to have originated the mistake . But Mr . Simpson appears never to have disbelieved Christianity . To the honour of the Thorne
Society be it named , they have had regular services on the Lard ' s day , ever since the opening of the chapel ; for which they have been chiefly indebted to the disinterested zeal and steady conduct of Mr . C . J . F . Benson , a member of the society , who has led the devotions of his fellow-worshipers in a manner that deserves the
imitation of others , whose abilities qualify them for so noble a service . Long may this infant society flourish under the fosteriug care of heaven , and be
* Vide p . 38 .
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Intelligence . — Ordination of Mr . Gaskell at Tliorne . 557
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 557, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/45/