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Bherally provides for them . May the experience of us all be such , that we can adopt the words of the Psalmist , « Evening , and morning / and at noon , will I pray . " ( Ps . Iv . 17- ) In our last year ' s epistle , we had to remark the failure of some of our
members in paying- their just debts . We have been again deeply pained on finding that some disgraceful cases of this kind have since occurred . Whilst we lament the condition of such as
have thus wounded their own peace , and brought condemnation on themselves , we also feel very tenderly both for the near relatives of these , and / or their creditors who have suffered
through them . In adverting to these cases , it is our solicitude that the misconduct of those to whom we allude tnay be a caution to others . At all times , but more particularly in the
l * resent depressed state of trade and commerce , it will be very useful for friends frequently to inspect into the state of their own property , to keep their concerns within proper bounds > And bq to confine their wants within
the r limits of Christian contentment , that vshould any « oforeseen' reverses be experienced , they may look back witfh feelings of conscious integrity . And ive > wowld especially recommend to friends of discrimination and sound
j « dg % » ent , in kindness and love , to watch over their bvethren for good . Great advantages would result from early , repeated , and private advice to young tradesmen , who from temporary success and inexperience may be in danger of exceeding their capital , and of imprudently extending their
bu-. Our sympathy is much excited for those , who after fair prospects , have , from a sudden depreciation of property , > been subjected to many difficulties . We wisli kindly to encourage fcueh of these as have it still within
their power , to a timely contraction of their domestic expenses . And we desire that tfietr trials may be lightened by beholding in their offspring a disposition to industry and economy , and * willingness that their expectations should n&t exceed iihose limits which ¦ become a 'Christian character : this
we 'believe would ultimately tend to * toeir greatest good . Before we quit ^ "is « ubjeet , we 'would remind our friends af ^ the -former advtae of th i «
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meeting , that where any have injured others in their property , the greatest frugality should be observed by themselves and their families ; and although
they may have a legal discharge from their creditors , both equity and our Christian profession demand , that none when they have it in their power should rest satisfied , until a just restitution be made to those who have
suffered by them . The amount of sufferings reported this year , for tithes and other ecclesiastical claims , and a few demands of a military nature , is upwards of fourteen thousand four hundred pounds . We have received epistles from all , except one , of the Yearly Meetings on the American continent . From these we
observe with pleasure , that besides a watchful care to support the testimonies of our own Society , our brethren beyond the Atlantic are engaged in various acts of benevolence for the welfare of their fellow-men .
Dear young friends , our 'hearts are warmed with love to you . We desire that it may be your frequent concern to seek for an establishment on the only sure foundation , and to wait in humble watchfulness for the teachings of the Heavenly Instructor . If
conflicts of mind should attend you , and prove painful and humiliating in their nature , this is no cause for dismay . Those who steadily pursue the path of a true disciple , will , through the goodness of the J ^ ord , at times be permitted indubitably to feel that they
are the objects of his paternal regard . Thus they will have cause to acknowledge the great benefit of patient religious exercise . They will from their own experience know an increase of true faith in the power and perceptible support of the Holy Spirit . Ascribing this to the free gift of God in Christ
Jesus our Lord , they will become firmly persuaded that the tendering power of Redeeming JLove , though undervalued by too many , is above all things precious . We are consoled in the belief , that the feet of many of our beloved young friends have been turned into this path . And it is our earnest desire , that neither the fear of
man , the offence of the cross , an aversion to the simplicity of the truth , nor the activity of their own wills , may interrupt their progress ; but that they may , through the unfol dings of Divine
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Intelligence . —The Yearly Meeting * * Epistle . 559
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 559, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/47/