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counsels come to know an establishment in that faith which giveth the victory . ( 1 John v . 4 . ) And , dear friends , you who love the truth , and who are in the vigour of ) ife $ feeling as you must the many blessings of which you have been
partakers , and the privilege it is to be employed in the smallest degree , in the service of the Lord , let it be your concern to offer your hearts to his disposal , and under his sacred guidance , to become devoted to the support of his cause .
May our dear elder brethren and sisters , though often depressed on various accounts , be , by continued watchfulness unto prayer , endued with capacity to trust in God . May they receive that Divine support which will enable them acceptably to endure the
remaining trials of time * , and , being preserved in liveliness and meekness of spirit , be prepared to enter into rest everlasting . —Fare w ell . Signed in and on behalf of the Meeting , by W . DILLWORTH CREWDSON , Clerk to the Meeting this Year .
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Academic Examination , Carmarthen . [ From The Cambrian Newspaper , printed at Swansea , July 19 . ] The Annual Assembly connected with the Presbyterian College in Carmarthen , was held at Lammas-street chapel , on Thursday the 3 d inst . when upwards of forty ministers were present . * A meeting was held the preceding evening at six o ' clock , when Mr . Williams , of Builth , introduced the service , and Mr . Bulmer , of Haverfordwest , preached , in . English , from Psalm Iv . Z < £ - and Mr . Powell , of Caebach , preached , in Welsh , from 1 Cor . ix . 24 ; Mr . Griffiths , of Glandwr ,
concluded by prayer . On Thursday morning , at ten o ' clock , Dr . Lindsay , of London , preached , in English , from Eph . iv . 5 ; and . Mr . Lewis , of Tredustan , preached , in Welsh , from 1 John iii . 18 . At four o ' clock in the
2 iftemoon t Mr . Rees , of London , preached , in English , from Acts iv . 18 , 10 , 2 O y and Mr . Jeremy , of Llandovery , preached , in Welsh , from Phil , iii . 1 : Messrs . Jones , Thomas , Evans , Griffiths and Davies , conducted the devotional parts of the services , and the Hymns were given out by Mr , Peter . On Friday morning , at tea
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o ' clock , Dr . Rees , Dr . Lindsay and James Esdaile , Esq ., who had been deputed by the Presbyterian Board to visit the College , atteuded at the school-room , for the examination of the students . Many other ministers and lay gentlemen were also present . The students were examined in
Hebrew , Greek and Latin ; Divinity , Ecclesiastical History , Jewish Antiquities , Logic , Natural and Experimental Philosophy , Universal Grammar and the Belles Lettres , Also , iu
Geometry , Trigonometry , Conic Sections , Mensuration , Land-surveying and Algebra . At the close of the examination , Dr . Rees and Dr . Lindsay , in elegant , and appropriate speeches , thanked the tutors for their unwearied
diligence in the discharge of their important duties ; congratulated the students on their exemplary conduct and improvement in literature ; and in the . liveliest terms expressed their full approbation of what they had witnessed , and the satisfaction which the flourishing state of the College afforded
them . Dr . R . and Dr . L . having sat down , Mr . Rees , of London , rose , and in a short , but elegant speech , noticed the liberal principles on which the College at Carmarthen was founded , the impartiality of the Board in the admission of students , the friendly and candid behaviour of the tutors to all
the students , whatever their religious opinions might be , and the love and friendship which subsist between students of different sentiments , educated at the College . Dr . Lindsay concluded the whole with a solemn and appropriate prayer-
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Manchester College , York . The thirty-first Annnal Meeting of Trustees of Manchester College , York , was held at Cross-street Chapel Rooms , Manchester , on Friday , August 1 st , Samuel Shore , Esq ., of Meersbrook , in Derbyshire , in the
Chair . The meeting was attended bv the Rev . John Yates , of Liverpool , the Rev . Chas . Wellbeloved , of York , the Rev . William Shepherd , of Gateacre , the Rev , Benjamin Mardon , of
Glasgow , the Rev . William Turner , Jun ., of York , David Ainsworth , Esq ., of Preston , John Lightbody , Jun . Esq ., of Liverpool , and a numerous assemblage of Trustees residing in Manchester and the neighbourhood .
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560 Intelligence * —Academic Examination , Caermarthen
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 560, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/48/