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Untitled Article
agreed to call a n > eeting of the friends # © d advocates of Unitarianisni in Stainfortb , on Thuradav , J . ul . v 24 th , 1817 , when tt ^ e &ev . Joh n Gaskell being called to the / chair , it . wns
stated—First , That ? in eligible plot of ground in the field adjoining- the building in which tfae Unit > rmns at Staiuforth ^• present . assemble for , public worship , could be procured for any sum that Messrs . Marsdin and Siuipsau u&ight think proper > to offer .
Second , That the probable amount of the expenses that would be incurred io erecting a chapel , upojp as eco . nojnica ! a plan as possvble , intended to contain about a hundred and twenty
persons , would not exceed one hundred and thirty pounds , which , together with a piece of -land Inrge enough for a chapel and huri 1 ground , &c &c . would be extended to about one
hundred and eighty or ninety pounds . It was then resolved—I ivst , That a . chapel capable of containing about -one hundred and twenty persons be -eceoted as soon as possible , in the village of Stain-forth , for the purpose of -coaducting the public worship of God upon the principles of Unitarian Christianity .
< Second , T \ hat-a-subscription be immediately entered into , for the purpose of defraying the expense that may Jbe incurred in -building the jsame . Third , \ Dhat in case tl > e subscriptions collected at » St&iuforth and in the
neighbourhood , should be found inadequate 4 : ode / fray < tbe expeuse that will be necessarily attendant upon building the chapel , application be mnde to our distant -friends for their benevolent assistance , through the medium of the'Monthly Repository , or in any other way that may hereafter he fJeeqaed expedient .
Fourth , That Mr . Martin Simpson # nd Mr . Richard JLee , be requested to collect subscriptions in Stninforth and the neighbourhood , and that they ^ transmit them to the Treasurer when required .
Fifth , That Mr . John Marsdin be requested to act as Treasurer , and Mr . _ Ma , rtin Simpson us S ecretary . Sixth , That Messrs . Marsdin , Simp-# on and Lee , unite their efforts in jprpjcuiriug material Is and workmen for fPuiJding the chapel , aud in aujjerintending and directing the same ac-
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cording to the . resolutions passed . a £ this . meeting , * and tha ^ t t ^ iese genttenien shall hStve power 1 ; o let the
buiidmg of the chapel , in any way they may tbiuk proper , to such undertaker or undertakers , as may appear tp them best qualified for the worjk and most moderate in charges .
Seventh , That the friends and advocates of XJiutarjanism in Stainforth and the neighbourhood , be respectfully solicited , by the Secretary , to lend their assistance in conveying to Stainforthjthe materials fqr building the chapel , in order to diminish , as far as possible , the expense with wfeich it will be attended .
Eighth , That as soon as a ohapel Jbas * been erected a . t Stainfoiutxli , fqr th , e purpose of conducting the public worship of God upon the principles of Unitarian Christianity , it shall be cquveyed to the like uses and trusts as thos , e tp which the . Unitariau chapel
at Thorne is conveyed ^ witji a like proviso , that in case Unitarian worship shall cease to be conducted in it for the space of two years , it shall be at the disposal of the Committee , rfpr the time being , of the Unitarian Fund in London . John Gaskell , . Chaiirniftn .
As soon as Mr . Gaakell had jteft-the chair a subscriptjipn was immediately entered into , andtliirty-Qneppupd ^ four shiliiugs aud * iK pence were collected before the company di / smissed . In addition to this sum , twenty-two pounds and sixteen shillings have since been collected in Staiuforth , - Thorne and
the neighbourhood , rroni the statement , however , that has been giveii of the expense that will be incurred in erecting the chapel , &c , it will he perceived Uiat a debt of about one hundred and thirty-six pounds will still
remain to be discharged , which , though to some societies it might appear ; very small , would for many years remain a very , gr ievous burden to the Unitarians at Staiuforth , ( who are as yet but few in number , and by far tbe majority of whom are of the labeJW *
* Between the first and second resolutions the ( # lan of the chapel was introduced and agreed upon , but which , it was thought , could not be intruded upon the notice of your readers , without occupying * loo great , a j > orMon of your valuable Repository .
Untitled Article
JfatelliffenQe . * r—New Unitarian Chapel at Stainforiht near ^ Thorne . & 6 £
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 563, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/51/