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Mr . Mountjoy -----100 Jtev . W . Hincks ----- 0 10 6 J . M . Wilcocks -----0 10 6 Abraham Tozer , Esq . ---100 Mr . Abraham Tozer , jun . - - 1 0 0 Mr . James Cross - - - 0 10 6 Rev . Joseph Bretland -- -330 Rev . JohnKenrick ( of York ) - 0 10 6 Mr . B . P . Pope -----100 Mr . W . Bowring- - - - - 0 10 6 Small sums collected by a Young " Friend ----- ^ - 3 10 0 At Crewkerne . Friend , by Rev . W . Blake - - 5 0 0 At Hirmingham . Rev J . Kentish -----500 Mr . Corn -------100 Mr . Ridout ------100 Miss Mansells -----110 Mr . James Belcher - - - - 0 10 6 Mark Sanden , F-sq . 1 0 0 Messrs . Waterhouse and Ryland 10 0 Richard Peyton , Esq . ---100 At West Bromwich . Mr . Archibald Kenrick 1 0 0 At Altringham . Rev . William Jevons 0 10 6 John Worthing-ton , £ sq . - - 2 0 0 William Rigby , EsqV - --500 Isaac Harrop , Esq . ----2 00 Hug * o Woithing-ton , Esq 2 0 0 At Manchester . George VV . Wood , Esq . - - - 1 1 0 Rev . John Grundy ----110 Robert Philips , Esq . ---200 Rev . John Yates ( of Liverpool ) 3 3 0 S . Shore , Esq ( Meersbrook ) -330 Richard Sanderson , Esq . - - 1 0 0 Mr . C . Aimitage ( ofDukenfield ) 0 10 6 Bentley , Esq . -,.--100 Mr . John Hall ------ 0 10 ft Mr . Thomas Wit kins - - - 0 10 6 Mr . Samuel Kay ----100 T . H . Robinson , Esq . ---110 Mr . Robert Kay -----100 Rev . W . Johns -- --- 0 10 6 Mr . W . Croft ---- -100 James Touchett , jun . Esq . - - 1 0 0 Mr . Thomas Geary - - - - 0 10 6 Mr . Samuel Jackson ---100 Mr Joseph Pilking-ton - - - 0 10 ( i Rev W \ Turner ( of York ) - - 0 10 6 Rev C . Wellbeloved ( of ditto ) - 1 0 0 Mr . Benjamin Hey wood 1 0 0 Mr . B II . Brig-lit - - - - 0 10 0 Mr . John Ashton -- --100 Mr . Thomas Phillips ---100 T M . C . - - - - - - - 1 1 0 Kev W . Hawkes -----100 Mr . Coe --- ----0 10 C Mr . Pendlefon -----0 10 0 Mr . W . Reynolds - - - - 0 10 6 Mrs . Q . Murray ----- 1 1 0 Mr . John Barrow ----0106 Mr . Golland - 0 10 a
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Warrington . W Smith , Esq . -----10 Mrs . Eaton ------100 Liverpool . Mr . Freme and Friends ---600 Olasgoiv . Captain Henrison 1 0 0
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ZTnitarian Worship , Huddersfield . On the 31 st ult . a new and large room , in the populous town of Haddersjield , was opened for Unitarian worship , by the Rev . James Kaye , Rev . Jeremiah Donoghue , and the Rev . John Beattie . 'I"here were three
sermons—ill well attended . In the afternoon scores , nay , hundreds went away , not being able to get in . Several stood in the street to listen at the door and window's .
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Iritelliaence . —Fellowship JFunds , Exeter . 565
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FELLOWSHIP FUNDS . Exeter . On Sunday , August 171 h , a meeting" was held in the lecture-room , at (* corse ' s Meeting , Vlxetcr , for the purpose of forming a Fellowship Fund Society in the congregation . The Rev , W . I Jincks introduced the business by prayer , and an jrfdrcss on the objects
and advantages of the society . After wliiv . h , Mr . Hincks having been called to the chair , a series of resolutions were passed respecting the formation and government of the society , and appointing a committee and officers for the ensuing year . It was agreed to name the society , The Mxeter-Unitarian Fellowship Fund . Its objects were stated to be , to afford occasional
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Removals , See . amongst Unitarian Ministers .
The Rev . Robert Little , late of Birmingham , has accepted the pastoral office in the Presbyterian Congregation , Gainsborough . The Rev . N . He in i ken , of Cainsborough , lias accepted an invitation from the congregation at Bradford , Yorkshire , late under the pnstoral" care of the Rev . H . Turner , now of
Nottingham . The Rev . Mr . Cannon , of the Manchester College , York , is going to supply for some months at Edinburgh . The Rev . John Corrie has accepted the office of co pastor , with the Rev . Mr . Kell , of the Presbs terian Congregation at the Old Meeting , Birm ingham *
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 565, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/53/