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contributions to Unitarian Chapels about to Jbe erected or repaired , to the Uuitarian Fund Society , and to Unitariau Academies , ai > d to promote generally the diffusion of Unitarian
principles . Subscriptions are limited to one penny a week . About an hundred subscribers have already given their names , and additions are daijy made to the list . The formation of this
society has been some time in contemp lation , but ha ^ been delay ed by various accidental circumstances . It is hoped that similar ones will soon be established in several of the neighbouring congregations . W . H . Exeter , Aug . < 25 th , 1817 . L . ewes »
Sir , E \ fry person who is anxioos for the diffusion of religious knowledge must have noticed with delight the accounts that h . ive been given in the Repository of the formation of Fellowship Funds in different parts of the kingdom . The good that may result from these institutions is
incalculable , for the objects which they embrace are various and extensive . Besides placing at the disposal of congregations , funds which would not otherwise have been collected ^ they will tend to unite in closer bonds the
individual members of our societies , by excitiug amongst them an interest for the promotion of Christian truth . One of the leading causes of the rapid increase of the Methodists may be found in the union that exists amongst the members of each congregation .
They are interwoven with each other by societies of various descriptions ; the attention of every individaal is kept alive to the advancement of religious truth by active engagements 3 and every one feels himself of importance to the success of the cause which
he has espoused . The followers of Calvin are pursuing the same means for the increase and preservation of their congregations . In almost every Meeting are to be found Sunday Schools aiid Congregational Book Societies , Tract Societies and Missionary
Funds - , whilst the young are encouraged and exhorted to form amongst themselves juvenile associations of various kinds . Hence , the ipembers of the different societies are actively employed in the support of what they are taught to consider
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i mporf ant truth : the connexion that exists amongst them becomes stronger and more pleasing by perpetual intercourse ; and a growing attachment to the institutions , in which they are individually engaged , binds them together with ties almost indissoluble .
Fellowship Funds , in soxna measure , promise to have a like pleasing and beneficial influence upon TLJoitariaji congregations . They will create , in every society where they are established , an object towards which the energies of individuals may be exerted ;
they will augment the pecuniary means of our congregations , and call forth generally a desire for the extension of 'Unitarian truth . By the Christian emulation to do good , which must necessarily be excited , they will tend to kindle amongst the members of our
societies a glow of religious zeal . Sanguine as I am as to the advantages that will mediately and immediately arise from the general adoption of these societies , you will Jbejieye that it is with the highest satisfaction that I acquaint you , tha , t a Fellowship
ruiiid has just beetn established at Lewes . Tlie two Congregations have joiued their strength iu tjhis Institution , and the prospect of success i « very encouraging . I tajke the liberty
of transmitting you a copy of the resolutions which have been agreed to , and which are now acted upon : if you think it proper to insert them , their appearance in your Repository will oblige our friends . T . W . H .
Resolutions , 1 . That a Society be formed called the Lewes Fellowship Fund , fqr the promotion of Unitariauiswi . 2 . That the objects of this Fund
shall be the distribution of religiotw tracts , affording occasional relief to Christian congregations ., giving assistance to Unitarian Academies and promoting generally the diffusion of religious truth .
3 . That this Fund shall be supported by weekly contributions of one penny and upwards ; to t > e collected every six weeks . 4 . That a Committee of ^ fift ee n
persons , including a Treasurer and Secretary ( five of whom shall be empow ered to act ) , shall be appointed for the direction and appropriation of the fund * of this Society , agreeably to tltf objects before stated .
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do 5 Jnteuwenee ^^ - ^ Fell&wship ' Funds , Lewies
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 566, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/54/